Trisquel 8... where are you?
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I was looking at the Purism laptops today and they come with PureOS as the operating system. It would have been nice to have Trisquel as an option, but version 8 is STILL nowhere to be found.
Anyone remember when Ruben would release Trisquel at a decent rate? The most recent version (7) is based off of an OS from April of 2014!
LXQt mini missing, but is Flidas now gone beta? No reasons to let LXQt mini missing since beta.
I have just quit Trisquel and have been afterwards staying in Parabola, this is my dissatisfaction to years ago Trisquel software. Unlikely Parabola ships cutting edged free software using rolling, Trisquel is needed too.
Is that an official download link? What is jenkins and what is the reason it's not just on the download page.
Sorry, I'm not so familiar with Trisquel. But I'm looking to use this as my main distro.
It is official... but alpha.
It's the official development Alpha version endorsed by Quidam (Ruben).
I have just come back to Trisquel these days thru this late alpha, but still unable to install GRUB EFI during live installer.
Within GPT you are granted multiboot but ESP must be present, Parabola and Devuan are also recommended to us under this multiboot.
heh, don't give him credit..
On 12/10/17 16:19, wrote:
> t3g, you are tiresome:
On the contrary, he's not active enough. We all have come to
passively accept as normal for Trisquel not to be updated. Don't you
have a calendar? This month makes the third anniversary of the last
Trisquel release. Count them: three years since the last release.
Ignacio Agulló · name at domain
Hey Magic,
If you look at the dates of some of the posts, I do have a reason to be worried. That first link was dated "Sun, 10/02/2016 - 13:10"
How am I wrong to STILL be worried after this is still in Alpha?
To t3g,
If you are impatient anymore you should want Flidas alpha first, but you must accept ‘‘that’’ fate, I am also backing to Trisquel thru Flidas alpha.
HD Scania, an Eastern free software theorist and activist, want to be candidated to lead our GNU and FSF
I think tg3 has a valid point with this, as well as all of his other posts on this topic. If we're lucky, Trisquel 8 will be released at the same time as Ubuntu 18.04, which makes its packages outdated by two years. I know that Trisquel 7 still gets security updates, etc., but I have not found it to be reliable (it constantly freezes, and only a hard reset will allow me to continue; also, some of the applications also crash/freeze, like deja-dup, which is unacceptable for a backup solution, and there is no way to get a newer version of it on Trisquel 7).
I also understand that Ruben is working a full-time job, and that he can't put as much time into Trisquel 8 as we would like, so I'm not blaming him; I think that an honest approach for him would be to either reallocate his resources to help out another libre OS, and retire Trisquel for good, or else find a way to get enough developers to help him put out releases in a reasonable amount of time. I would personally love to help with Trisquel 8, but I'm not a developer, so I don't believe any contributions that I could make would help it to be released substantially sooner.
I know that people on this forum seem to hate Purism (for reasons that are, to me, unclear; in reading both the forums here, as well as everything that Purism has put out that I can find, there was no outright deception on their part, but a few instances where they misjudged what they could do, and made promises that they later couldn't fulfill), but they have been making a lot of progress on the free software front, even having their own libre distribution that is not only up-to-date, it is also a rolling release, so there is much less concern that it would go the way of Trisquel 8.
>there was no outright deception on their part, but a few instances where they misjudged what they could do, and made promises that they later couldn't fulfill
Oh my
this I find an interesting lulzy read on 'da promiseman'..
Btw stay tuned folks, I talked with a high manager of Intel and I convinced him to free all their CPUs, even the past ones, it is backwards compatible..
The link you attached is 2015 and the information not completely true. They do ship with coreboot when the author of the article was pretty sure they would not do. I saw their hardware listed on the coreboot repo.
They deactivate the intel ME as I did. They cite the sources of the me_cleaner.
Personally I consider free (libre) a computer where the ME is deactivated and where coreboot is installed. That is enough for me.
This allows to push to free all the recent hardware.
I think that the FSF and libreboot will be pushed to accept the new hardware since soon most of the people will consider having all the ME code erased irrelevant if the ME is deactivated.
I am happy I didn't purchased a new(old) x200 laptop and I instead learnt how to partially free my modern one. Now I am studying coreboot and if I can port it to my laptop.
PS if more people deactivate the ME from modern hardware, Intel will be pushed as well to reconsider the fact that this piece of software is proprietary. If people they just rely on old hardware there is no future.
As I've said elsewhere, my beef with Purism is mostly their name. They're not purists. It's arguably legitimate to offer maximum freedom currently possible on current hardware, while striving to get to full freedom including the BIOS and bootloader. But to not merely imply but to claim via their name that they are purists and you're getting pure freedom from them is misleading marketing.
ThinkPenguin does similar respectable work - selling PCs with stock BIOS but with Trisquel as the OS, plus accessories that support full freedom. But the name and marketing doesn't pretend purism.
If Purism had a different name, something like FreedomQuest or FreedomJourney or FreedomPath that implied that their buyers don't get full freedom now but hopefully will later, that would be honest.
If anyone should call themselves "Purism", it would be companies like Minifree or Libiquity. Technoethical and Vikings sell some devices or PCs that lack FSF RYF certification so they wouldn't qualify. Not a slam on them - they do good work too.
I think that for non technical people the companies you mentioned do a good job. But we should also look forward to the next steps. I am wondering if the same companies invest to make research on how to free the modern hardware....
>As I've said elsewhere, my beef with Purism is mostly their name.
It really not pure, and damn sure it ain't librem
SuperTramp83 said:
>As I've said elsewhere, my beef with Purism is mostly their name.
It really not pure, and damn sure it ain't librem
I'm a 100 percent pure, 24karat cold gold, full American blooded homo-sapiens, only liquid gold flows through my veins. Yes I'm not a follower of purism, even do I was not influence by the old French painting and architecture. But influence by Jackson pollock for his madness in painting,Vincent Desiderio for his Pantocrator, for the classics Norman Rockwell, and too finalize my most dearest influence the Ledger Paintings from the Great Cheyenne Nation.
What else do you need ? I'm 100 percent full blooded American..
I'm still Very free.
I'm not clear on whom the above post targets with the label "astroturfer", but if it's me, I'm not one.
PS on here a nice discussion:
IrishUSA, I've been lurking for sometime now...but I couldn't resist suggesting a name.
How about "Purish"?
When I was on Trisquel for 0.5 years I was disappointed to its aging packages, so have started using Parabola which is rolling, but fortunately our Trisquel forum is still active and I have occasionally found our Flidas alpha these days, which Trisquel is still active and alive. If possible I need to work for the Trisquel service packs every 0.5 years, with liberating every non-LTS Ubuntu releases and their every LTS service packs, finally to be our own service pack.
I am using the 8 downloaded from the jenkis repo since a while. I didn't have any problem so far. I daily receive new updates. I am running it in a pretty modern hardware, a quad core i7 Haswell laptop and it is very fast and stable. Everything works even the sleep and so on. I truly don't understand why people complain constantly.
@t3g just download it and install it :)
Have you managed to deactivate the screen reader? If so, how?
The inability to deactivate the screen reader has been reported as a bug (see comment #2):
In my install of T8 in a virtual machine, I too cannot seem to turn the screen reader off. There does not appear to be such an option in the Assistive Technologies preference pane. Also, the screen reader program crashes upon loading.
Yep it is a bug and I it was present also in T7
I didn't suffer of the audio problems but I uninstalled it for precautions.
Do you know if a bug report exists about it?
After the live system boots, if you wait enough (30s?) without touching the keyboard/mouse, the screen reader starts (Trisquel assumes you are blind). Can you disable it from the "Seeing" tab of "Universal Access" in the "System Settings"?
Ah ok, but I completely uninstalled it.
I can't add the repo for the emoji picker. add-apt-repo not found.
(If Trisquel 8 could have an emoji input method by default, that would be great.)
It is 'add-apt-repository' and not 'add-apt-repo'.
It doesn't matter. I always tab-complete after typing commands, so I would have found that.
If the message you got is that "add-apt-repo" is not found, then you didn't type the proper command. I suggest you humor Magic Banana for a second and type the command correctly.
I didn't even put quotes around what I said, to indicate that it is an exact command/quote and not just my paraphrasing.
If you require frequent software updates then don't use Trisquel or any other LTS distro. For my purposes I find that I do benefit from having the newest software, so I've switched to Parabola. However, I still support Trisquel and highly recommend it for the majority of desktop users who only require regular security updates and occasional software updates.
There is nothing wrong with an LTS release like Ubuntu 16.04 as there are point release ISOs that bring in newer kernel and xservee installed by default.
Oh and there's Snap packages.
This project could be more ambitious, a good exemple of a community project with good gouvernance is
Talking about the project without the people actually involved in it is a pure waste of time..
I think we are all involved. I already posted that we can test the trisquel 8 release and provide feedbacks and bug reports. I had a small bug that I reported but following updates solved it and I closed it. I am using the 8 as my main distro on my main home computer. It is stable. For desktop usage I don't see any problem. for more critical use cases I would use the 7. Latest versions of packages are not a requirement unless they would bring critical functionalities missing in the previous.
I just installed Trisquel 7 on my 7 year old Aspire One, after putting in a new SSD drive (almost doubled the drive space). Currently running the updates. There are so many! My question too, was "Trisquel 8 where are you?".
When I moved to my other laptop to report this, and read these last few comment, I tried to find some reference on the homepage to where I can download Trisquel 8 beta. The only place I can find where it's being discussed is here on the forum. By keeping this thread going, and thus on the forum landing page, t3g is making it possible for new users to get up-to-date.
So, anyone got a download link for 8 beta? I'll give it a whirl for a while.
The iso is from April so expect a lot of updates
Really? The timestamp on the server is dated June 19.
It would be nice to have a stable and polished ISO instead of having to rely on "daily" ISO builds or netinstall to install this OS in its alpha state.
Btw, if you want to know how much time has passed, Ubuntu 17.10 will be released tomorrow, October 19th.
There are
(1) desktop users for whom Trisquel/Ubuntu 14.04 is sufficient,
(2) desktop users for whom Trisquel/Ubuntu 14.04 is insufficient, but Ubuntu 16.04 is sufficient
(3) desktop users for whom Ubuntu 16.04 is insufficient.
I'm in group (3) because I am a musician. The audio and multimedia software in U16.04 is too old for my uses, and 18.04 will be as well by the time it is released. I would expect most users with specific computing needs that require up-to-date software to be in group (3) as well. Group (3) should use Parabola.
If I weren't a musician I would be in group (1). Audio and multimedia software is the only reason I switched from Trisquel to Parabola. I expect that the vast majority of desktop users are in group (1) as well. Many desktop users don't require anything beyond LibreOffice, Abrowser, and VLC, and I doubt they could even tell the difference between versions two years apart.
Group (2) certainly exists and it is important that they have a libre option, something Trisquel 7 does not provide for them. It would of course be objectively better if Trisquel could meet the needs of group (2) in addition to group (1), but as long as it meets the needs of group (1) it is is hardly a defective project. For many people in group (1) Trisquel may be the only libre distro sufficiently accessible and beginner-friendly.
While a libre LTS distro with more frequent release cycle than Trisquel would be a great for group (2), Parabola is also sufficient, albeit intimidating for beginners. I have never used gNewSense and can't speak to its quality or beginner-friendliness, but it is a couple of years ahead of Trisquel and may also be viable for group (2). Supporting these projects would probably be more helpful to group (2) than insisting that Trisquel, clearly intended for group (1), change.
Build a PPAOS by adding PPA repositories from Launchpad.
I also recommend you write a list about features that you need.
I am learning programming in Java at university, it is recommended use Eclipse Oxygen (4.7.x) at now, i am using Eclipse Indigo (3.8.x). I have not any problem. (Be careful with bugs, write also a list of them).
This is a good idea
how to see the package versions?? i want know the gnu guile version would have, sorry i'm beginner user
To search packages related to guile, open a terminal and type this:
apt-cache search guile
You will see a list of packages matching your search. To get information about one specific package, for example 'guile-2.0', run
apt-cache policy guile-2.0
And you will get the version available and the version you have, if any, installed.
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