Trisquel 8.0 and interactive whiteboards Epson BrightLink 595 Wi+ and 675 Wi+
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Hi people!
In Colegio Helvecia (Valdivia-Chile) we are migrating little by little all of our computers and users (I had to say it) to 100% free software.
It's the second year and I'm introducing Trisquel to classrooms, where there are EPSON interactive whiteboards. I thought that migration could finish with this because Epson and whiteboards software are privatives, but I had a big surprise when input my computer to one of the whiteboards.
So, I don't want to bore you whit all my history, just want to communicate to the community this amazing fact:
Trisquel GNU/Linux 8.0 is compatible with EPSON interactive whiteboards.
Best regards, and happy hacking!
Very good news. Congratulations! And thanks for sharing.
Hi there,
Em 5 de março de 2019 10:18:57 BRT, name at domain escreveu:
>Trisquel GNU/Linux 8.0 is compatible with EPSON interactive
Awesome news! But let me understand this: which one did you do?
a) installed Trisquel as the whiteboard's operating system;
b) installed Trisquel in a computer and had this connected to the whiteboard (like when connecting to external display, in such case the whiteboard/display is an auxiliary device, not the main one).
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