Trisquel 9 missing Bluetooth capabilities?

4 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 10/12/2014

A fresh installation of Trisquel GNU/Linux 9.0 (Etiona, 64-bit architecture) seems Bluetooth capabilities missing, as neither the Hardware Preferences nor Control Center for MATE Settings lists Bluetooth Settings.

I strongly doubt the package managers missed some package(s) for this version of Trisquel GNU/Linux, which enabled general Bluetooth functionalities for earlier versions, at least for Trisquel GNU/Linux 6.0.1. (Toutatis, 64-bit architecture)

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A rejoint: 05/01/2018

You can manually install blueman, but only when your bluetooth adapter doesn't require non-free firmware.

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A rejoint: 10/12/2014

Thank you, brother!

Shall I file a bug report on this.
Your opinion . . !?

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A rejoint: 01/12/2017

I don't think you should report a bug just because a program you want is not installed by default. If you install the program you want and for some reason it doesn't work. Then yes, you should report it as a bug.

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A rejoint: 10/12/2014

The program / utility came packaged by default in earlier versions of Trisquel GNU/Linux, that's why I thought it as a bug.

Well, hope somebody can file a feature request in the Issue Tracker if that's the perfect word.

Thank you for your advice, Beformed!

Lakshmikanth Kammath.B
India, Asia