Trisquel 9 Needs A Name

71 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 12/18/2017

When a person proposes a name, that person is "categorically opposed" to every other proposal?

What Fit did was proposing an entire group of names, hence he was "opposed to" all the other groups, which is a natural biproduct of proposing things.

What you did was attacking his proposal and questioning his intentions.

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A rejoint: 05/30/2012

I see I haven't been very diplomatic with my posts. To all involved parties, I apologize, and I'll try to do better next time.

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A rejoint: 05/14/2015

Hey onpon, it's good of you to say this, and I'm happy to be part of a community where we value being friendly and welcoming, and where it's ok and earns respect to admit when things go wrong. Respect.

For the record, I sympathize with the point you were making. As you know, I'm pretty good as laying on the rhetorical flushes myself, but in hindsight, I think just stating the facts about the genders of past names would have made your point for you. I didn't know many of the past names were female, and it was good to find out. Thanks to you for sharing the knowledge, and to Fil for making the comment that allowed the knowledge to be shared :)

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A rejoint: 11/28/2017

>I'm a "white heterosexual middle-class man" (yuck!). I'm definitely no female supremacist. And I don't like the idea of anybody's "supremacy" over anybody else. Be it of any kind.

You mind explaining the (yuck!) that you included after listing what you are?

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A rejoint: 05/14/2015

Irony? Self-deprecating humour?

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A rejoint: 12/10/2013

Female supremacy? Lol, I don't think Fil is the "SJW" here.

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A rejoint: 03/08/2012

Trisquel 9 -> Lugus

> I don't have a particular preference,
> but I think it should definitely be a *female* name.

Flidas is a female figure in Irish Mythology


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 04/25/2013

Creidhne. The god of metalworkers.

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A rejoint: 12/03/2016

Perhaps this list would be useful:

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A rejoint: 12/03/2016

A few recommendations:

Telesphorus. The name (via false cognates) suggests telecommunications and light, which in this age of the internet, fiber optics, and glowing screens, fits computers well. The name apparently actually means "accomplisher" or "bringer of completion" which would be fitting once the distro is released. One downside is that the "-us" suffix suggests a Latin rather than Celtic origin to the average person.

Neto. Easy to say and pronounce. Worshipped by ancient Celts in the Iberian peninsula, which fits Trisquel's origins as being targeted to Celtic-descended people in a region of Spain. Downside for some is that this was a god of war.

Ériu. Old name for Éire, the patron goddess of pre Christian Ireland. Its appeal to the Irish and their diaspora could be seen as a feature (since the Irish are the largest Celtic group worldwide) but also a bug, obscuring Trisquel's Galician origins.

Llŷr. Has a very Celtic feel without being too difficult to spell. Too specifically Welsh-sounding?

Clíona (a more accessible spelling of Clíodhna). A pleasant ring to the name, with some pleasant aspects to the myth, such as being a goddess of love and beauty. Downside: some beliefs about her were of her as a banshee, a wailing mourner of the dead.

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A rejoint: 08/17/2017

If we were to go with Neto, the pronounciation could be "neat-o" ;)

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A rejoint: 02/17/2016
Luca Guidetti
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A rejoint: 06/19/2017

This once I would like a name that ends with a vowel, such as Secuana or Habrena. Anyway, both are gods associated with rivers; this is suitable for the new version: if Ubuntu 18.04 is a beaver, we can give him a place to live in freedom. ;)

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A rejoint: 07/06/2011

I really like Etiona so I upvoted this post.

My proposal for a feminine name :

Oanuava: ancient Gallic earth goddess, a mother goddess who is regional revered as the source from which all life flows.


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A rejoint: 07/06/2011

My proposal for a masculine name :

Mabon: Welsh god of freedom, harmony, unity, music and youth, known as the son of the Great Mother.


davidnotcoulthard (non vérifié)

> "It should be a "searchable" name (that is, a name that doesn't have many results on search engines, so we can "take it over." For example: Searching for Flidas has Trisquel in the top results."

Just a (not-too-thoroughly though out, I have to say) thought but surely searching for a name we can "take over" won't help (since that means anyone searching for Flidas now is probably looking for Trisquel anyway and would just type "Trisquel Flidas" without being in the slightest deterred), whereas going for a name that's "taken over" on e.g. Google (i.e. has a lot of people searching for it already) would instead expose Trisquel to people who otherwise would've had no chance of encountering it?

tl;dr: wouldn't actively going for a name not taken over by anything be a bit of a preaching to the choir thing not exposing more people to Trisquel?

EDIT: voted +1 thinking I could neutralise it back to zero. I can''t.

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A rejoint: 09/13/2010
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A rejoint: 06/02/2012

I think jxself is a god. We should have named it after him!


Aiming to have had the subsequent Trisquel based on Bionic Beaver is, I sense, at the same time both over-ambitious and underambitious.


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

Trixself :)

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A rejoint: 06/11/2018

Vivi, Dina, Meela, Sally, Polina, Bela, Leya


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

Bella Lena