Trisquel development questions

9 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 07/16/2017

I'm interested to try to lend a hand with fixing some package helpers, to try to do what I can to contribute to getting Trisquel 8 ready for release, but I have a couple of questions:

1) Why is the HEAD of the trisquel-helpers git repository pointing to the 'belenos' branch? Isn't flidas the new version that is currently being developed?

2) I ran this pbuilder command:

sudo BUILDDIST=flidas BUILDARCH=amd64 pbuilder create

recommended on this page (with 'belenos' switched for 'flidas'); however the output indicated that the distribution was belenos. Did I do something wrong and is this a problem? Possibly something to do with the .pbuilderrc config file?

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A rejoint: 11/13/2017

Hi Time4Tea! It's awesome that you are already working on it. I've started helping a couple of weeks ago, and I faced some

There are a couple of things that still need to be fixed to help with the package helpers. They were raised in the last meeting if you were there.

First of all, the code of the package builder need to be updated and still hasn't. kpengboy pushed this merge request that fixed most of my problems: You can download the diff file and patch your local repository. Just ask if you need help on how to work that out.

Then, you would need to do:
sudo DIST=flidas ARCH=amd64 pbuilder create

Then, you have to make sure that the file /var/cache/pbuilder/flidas-amd64-base.tgz has been created.

After that, if you want to build the package, and you find some trouble because it cannot find the base tarball, try:

sudo DIST=flidas ARCH=amd64 pbuilder build PACKAGES/hello/*.dsc

After that, I found some trouble because it couldn't download the packages inside the base tarball. I modified the first line of the D hook like this:

echo "deb [trusted=yes]$DIST $DIST main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

Most of this has been tested in my computer while trying to work with the helpers. Probably it is not perfect and have some mistakes, but it works quite well for me. I hope you can also work it out :)

EDIT: I am not 100% sure, but I believe that the HEAD is pointing to belenos because some helpers are still being developed. However, if you want to code for flidas, you should just add the remote as it is explained in the contribution guide.

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A rejoint: 07/16/2017

Hi gnutastyc,

Thanks for the info. I downloaded that diff you pointed to and patched trisquel-builder and it seems to be working better now. Yes, I would think that fixing the package builder should be a high priority, if it isn't working properly.

I haven't actually been to any of the development meetings, because the timing doesn't work very well for me, unfortunately (I am at work at that time). I am keen to help out though, so if someone can point me to a list of things that need doing, I will see what I can do. Is there a Trisquel development mailing list, or anything like that, for those that can't conveniently attend a scheduled meeting?

About the branches, you are probably right that Belenos is still being developed and is still the 'current' release, so that might explain why HEAD is pointing to it. For now, I will switch to the flidas branch and try to work on that.

Thanks again! :-)

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A rejoint: 11/13/2017

Yes, fixing the package builder is a priority, but it is quite a lot of work (there are more things to fix than it looks like), so releasing Trisquel 8 is an even higher priority. Here you can find some very nice sum up of the meetings, that is usually updated on the road:

You also have a development mailing list. You can find it in the right pane of the forum. It's nice because it has a very small amount of messages.

Regarding package-helpers, the ones missing can be found here:


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A rejoint: 07/16/2017

> Then, you have to make sure that the file /var/cache/pbuilder/flidas-amd64-base.tgz has been created.

It doesn't look like it was. Hmm ... what do I do now?

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A rejoint: 11/13/2017

Send the stdout and stderr of the command
sudo BUILD=flidas ARCH=amd64 pbuilder create
so I can compare it with mine. Also, make sure that you don't have a warning about pbuilderrc missing. If you have that warning, that means that the chrooted environment is not able to follow the symlink to your ~/.pbuilderrc. You can probably fix that by copying that file to /root directory or maybe adding the variable HOME=/home/user-name to the create command.
If you can't fix it, I'll give you my output once I've got access to my computer.

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A rejoint: 08/12/2013

.-*| In support of the community |*-.

Dear Trisquel,

You know that they don't let me hack with you at work anymore. They even pushed me to use M$ and Ma¢ crap. You also know that I am using another distro at home, because I just needed more recent software. But girl! I have found more love for you: having to build every single package for this new distro made me realise how much work is needed to keep a free GNU/Linux like you. So, I want you to know that in the little free time that I may have I will try to find the way to contribute to your development. If anyone ever overhears our conversation, I hope that they will have the time to outline a first of couple (or more) steps to follow.

For the uninformed: where do I start? Thanks.

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

I am a member!

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A rejoint: 06/19/2015

I use Windows at work, but the computing done on it is not mine, and
they are owned and managed by the entity doing the computing.

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A rejoint: 07/16/2017

Ditto. I don't have any choice at work but to use the laptop they give me, unfortunately ... :-(

They have to fill it with all their corporate spyware, to make sure I am being a 'good boy'.