Trisquel Mini 11 beta on my netbook

3 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 08/02/2017

Hello testers, today after a backup I try to upgrade to trisquel mini 11 my netbook eepc 1001 px... I make a big mess ... :)
no problem, I have create a new usk key with the latest trisquel mini 11 beta and I make a new installation.
Thanks to the Trisquel team! The iso of mini 11 beta seems working perfect out of the box: there are inside all the programs I install normally after my installations, please keep the future .iso with this good programs selection .
I have installed the iso find here:

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A rejoint: 08/02/2017

sorry for the double posting, is possible to delete this tread!

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A rejoint: 05/20/2022

We all know you did it on purpose, in order to share your joy about Trisquel Mini 11.

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A rejoint: 08/02/2017
