Trisquel Pre-Install IMG Versions?

2 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 12/03/2017

I know there are ISOs of Trisquel, that are install tools. But what if there was a version of the Trisquel image where it's completely pre-installed by Trisquel developers, compressed as an img.xz file, and you just unxz and dd the image to the flash drive, and when you boot it up, it adjusts partitions, takes you through the user/locale/password setup, just like an OEM install? This could also be a quick and easy way to install Trisquel on OEM hardware without the need to go through the disc on every single computer. Also could be a good image to flash on those FSF cards as well as business promotion flash drives handed out at events.

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A rejoint: 02/17/2016

I think Woof-CE would be the solution. Trisq-Pup or Puppy-quel.

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A rejoint: 09/13/2010

There's nothing to stop someone from doing this. In fact it's already possible. You're looking for the package called oem-config, which is already available in Trisquel.