Trisquel Robur

3 réponses [Dernière contribution]

If Trisquel Robur is (or was) the only Trisquel version with Pro and Edu editions, why is it not availible for download anymore? Of course, there would need to be an "unsupported" notice. Is there any website which still serves the Robur iso disk image files? They are not really important, yet still unique as the only Pro and Edu editions of Trisquel. They might be handy.

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A rejoint: 05/13/2010

They're both available at

DonaldET3 (non vérifié)

How did you find that? Every time I search for Trisquel Robur iso, I end up at some place like "" which does not exist anymore. I suppose the internet's information about Robur is outdated.

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A rejoint: 05/13/2010

I checked out where the current downloads come from and went from there on.