Is TrueCrypt free (libre) software?

8 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 11/28/2013

I consider this software to be very interesting. The app is not includesd in Trisquel 's by default available apps. I took a quick look at the license but I couldn,t figure it out. So, guys, what do you think?


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 04/25/2013

TrueCrypt is free software. It's license seems very similar to the MPL (Mozilla Public License), they just require you to remove the TrueCrypt name and references to it. This is what Abrowser has to do with Firefox.

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A rejoint: 05/30/2012

Don't be so hasty. The TrueCrypt license has not been accepted as a free software license by the FSF. It hasn't even been accepted as open source by the OSI. What the open source guys decide doesn't matter, but this might be worth looking at:

That email points out some legitimate concerns that might apply to free/libre software as well.


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 04/25/2013

I stand corrected. Thank you for pointing that out.

For the OP, I would suggest Cryptkeeper which is available in the Trisquel repos. It is easy to use and works very well.

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A rejoint: 05/18/2013

No, TrueCrypt is not free software. See this link:


I am a member!

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A rejoint: 07/27/2012

As far as I know, TrueCrypt is not free software. If you want something similar, you can have a look at tomb:

It has worked for me and I like it.

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A rejoint: 11/05/2013

Thank you very much for the link.

I was looking forward for an encriping tool and i have found this one. I haven't installed yet.
What do you think about it, guys ??? I don't know if it's quite similat to TrueCrypt.

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A rejoint: 01/20/2014

What can I use instead? (It must run on both Gnu/Linux and Windows)

Does anyone know a free softare alternitive to TrueCrypt that also runs on Windows? (portable)

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 04/19/2012

> What can I use instead? (It must run on both Gnu/Linux and Windows)
> Does anyone know a free softare alternitive to TrueCrypt that also
> runs on Windows? (portable)

Depends what you're using it for. Encrypted drive? Or just transferring
a few files? GnuPG has a portable version that runs on Windows, but does
not do drive encryption.

Other than than, I'm not personally familiar with disk encryption
software so I can't offer much advice.
