typeahead (interactive search) one key delay

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A rejoint: 08/25/2010

Hello every one:

I disable search as you type in gnome files manager as describe in my post:


But when ever I use typeahead (interactive search) in nautilus, or even in any other dialog box like a file piker, the first key pressed is not recognize, it is until the second key pressed that it starts working.

You can test this on dconf-editor, just open it up and start typing. You will see that is not until the second key press that interactive search starts working.

Could this be a bug? is very annoying.


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A rejoint: 08/25/2010

This seems to only happens the first time you open the program or the dialog box. Once you have opened it and have pressed a key it starts working just fine. If you close it and open it again it will do the same thing, having you to press two keys to start working.

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

Thanks to your post, I made the same change as you. I do not have any problem though: the first keystroke is taken into consideration like the subsequent ones.


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A rejoint: 08/25/2010

That is so weird. I just boot Trisquel 7 from a usb an I get the same results. Even in the desktop :(


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A rejoint: 08/25/2010

I tried in a different computer but I got the same problem :(

Could some one test it too? Just open gedit, go to file>open , start typing and you will notice that interactive search won't start until the second key pressed.

Thank you all.

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A rejoint: 06/02/2012

I don't have that problem by disabling the search.
Interactive search is working in dconf-editor too but sometimes the
search dialog doesnt shows up but it's working


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A rejoint: 08/25/2010

Sachin was able to help me :)
I'm really grateful.

So the problem had something to do with the ibus-daemon, I decided to kill it by adding killall ibus-daemon to my stat up applications.

"As long as you don't use different keyboard layouts (or need to type in a phonetic language such as Japanese using English letters)" I think it is fine to disable it.

Thank you all.

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

IBus can create troubles. I had some with Emacs. You need not kill the IBus daemon at startup though! Just choose "none" as an input system in the first tab of "Language support" (my translation from French: it might be called otherwise) in "System settings".


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A rejoint: 08/25/2010

Cool, thanks, I just couldn't find that option before.


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A rejoint: 08/25/2010

Magic Banana, I did what you recommended but ibus-daemon was still showing up. Maybe this was happening because LightDM was starting it, and maybe clicking in "Apply System-Wide" on the Language Support could have solved the problem, but at the end I just uninstall ibus by running:

sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove ibus

I should have tested first but by the time I thought about it I had already deleted ibus xD