Unfortunatly I need to try to get flash player installed on triquel for an algebra course.
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I need try to get flash player installed for a math course.
Here's the instructions they gave me for the install, but
I'm not familiar enoungh with linux to know exactly what
what they mean.
Installation instructions
Installing using the plugin tar.gz:
o Unpack the plugin tar.gz and copy the files to the appropriate location.
o Save the plugin tar.gz locally and note the location the file was saved to.
o Launch terminal and change directories to the location the file was saved to.
o Unpack the tar.gz file. Once unpacked you will see the following:
+ libflashplayer.so
+ /usr
o Identify the location of the browser plugins directory, based on your Linux distribution and Firefox version
o Copy libflashplayer.so to the appropriate browser plugins directory. At the prompt type:
+ cp libflashlayer.so
o Copy the Flash Player Local Settings configurations files to the /usr directory. At the prompt type:
+ sudo cp -r usr/* /usr
By the way, why are my post topic headings in a foreign language?
I have my settings set to english.
I was in the same situation about a year ago.
My dad needed Flash for work. I put Ubuntu on my dad's computer, so that I could get Flash from Ubuntu's software centre. I wasn't happy about it, but I didn't have a good option.
It's not appropriate for us to help you install proprietary software here.
I recommend you complain to anyone who has any responsibility for requiring you to use Flash Player. I had the exact same problem when I took a college class. My professor was evasive and uncooperative, but you'll never know unless you try. Demand to be allowed to do your work without proprietary software, and explain the issue. Be sure to be respectful, of course; you don't want to sound like a lunatic. I also suggest you use the word "libre" (either on its own or in the combination "free/libre"), so they are not confused.
If you are able, threaten to choose another instructer and talk to the others about the issue. Part of the problem with my ability to convince my professor to let me just do my homework on paper was I was already well into the class.
Also, avoid compromises. If installing Flash would be an ethical compromise for you (which I'm assuming is the case, though I don't know just how much), make this clear. Otherwise, they might consider the problem "solved" because you have the ability to use one of their computers.
I hope you are able to convince someone responsible to let you do the class without proprietary software. If you are unable to, use the school's resources, not volunteer resources, to get help with fulfilling their ridiculous requirement.
You should first try to find an alternative to Flash. For one of my math courses I had to watch a video which seemed to be available only in flash (I don't remember exactly but it may have been when I was using Ubuntu). I tried using rekonq which could play stuff encoded in H.264, and the website used HTML5 video. Later I found out that Firefox could use external gstreamer codecs. Although H.264 is patented and I would have preferred something like WebM, at least I didn't have to use nonfree software.
I apologise to most users for my answer, but anyway: [Admin edit; DO NOT link to non-free software in this forum].
But still, try to avoid such an option.
Please don't do that.
There are a few free flash implementations, you should try them. If that does not work, talk to the teacher, carefully explain your position and don't abandon your ethics easily.
Whoops, should've known better about the linking part!
Anyway, may I see the math course?
Try getting an add-on from within Abrowser:
(1) Open the menu in the top-right corner;
(2) Click on "Add-ons";
(3) Select "Get Add-ons";
(4) Search for "video download" or "youtube" or something like that;
(5) Choose one you think might work (installation is automatic).
See if it works for you. If you don't trust it you can remove it or disable it after you've used it. I can't recommend one for you because I avoid videos that absolutely require Flash because of the persistent cookies it installs all the time and because I want to keep my workstation 'clean'. I can still watch just about everything using an alternative.
In any case, installing downloaded packages like you described takes system administrator skills unless there is an install script.
I found this on one of my PC running Gnu/linux Mint:
firefox add-on VIDEO WITHOUT FLASH 1.4.2
"Why you may want to use this extension
You experienced some lag or bad CPU performance using flash
You only use flash to watch videos, and do not want to install a non-free packages on your linux station (this extension is released under the GPL)"
It's not available in Abrowser. Anybody knows why, cause it seems to be under the GPL ?????
>It's not available in Abrowser. Anybody knows why, cause it seems to be under the GPL ?????
Because you (or anybody else) hasn't added it yet !!!!!
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