upgrading trisquel page

5 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 03/25/2014

Hi there, I've created an "Upgrade Trisquel" page in case anyone wants to add to it. It seems every time there is a new release, people come to the forums for help. Not sure where the best place to link to it is, but currently it can be found by clicking above on "documentation", then the "documentation" link on that page.


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A rejoint: 06/30/2017

I do not think I had to use apt-get to upgrade. I used apt instead. I think it went like this

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
****Change sources****
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade

Does dist-upgrade update the sources.list file?

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A rejoint: 03/30/2021

dist-upgrade doesn't update the sources file. You need to set the distribution name. I upgrade all the time with

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

I have read that in the debian release note for upgrade between release. That's work all the time for me.

apt-get full-upgrade doesn't exist with "apt-get" or I don't see it. It's an apt command.

Magic Banana

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En ligne
A rejoint: 07/24/2010

To upgrade Trisquel to a new release, the command is:
$ sudo do-release-upgrade

Hors ligne
A rejoint: 03/25/2014

Ah yes, I've been informed that do-release-upgrade is the best method. Fixed page.

En ligne
A rejoint: 06/10/2010

$ update-manager , new release now! 9 > 10 > 10.01 nabia