The US chain CNBC published an article calling to stop Google and Facebook
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The US chain CNBC (cable NBC) is not exactly a model for
imparciality - it's more like Big Money propaganda. In the months
previous to Iraqs 2003 invasion it established a negative record: in the
opinions about the war portrayed in its news only a 13% of the voices
spoke against the invasion, a share absolutely unrelated to the reality
of the US people. One more example of how Big Media do manipulate the
audience simulating ample supports that are in fact fictitious, the most
convenient propaganda for a board of trustees like the one from the
General Electric Group, which apart from owning TV chains also made
weapons and was all-eager for the magnificent business that a new war
would make.
However, sometimes the CNBC also gives voice to the supporters for
the Human Rights and Free Software. Much to my surprise, yesterday it
published an article signed by Gabriel Weinberg, CEO and founder of
DuckDuckGo titled "Google and Facebook are watching our every move
online. It's time to make them stop". In this opinion article Gabriel
speaks about a subject which I have spoken about many times, mentioning
that Google and Facebook track the users even though they didn't log in
or even had an account. Quoting the Princeton Web Transparency &
Accountability Project, Gabriel reports that 76% of webpages have hidden
Google trackers and 24% have the ones from Facebook. About
En este artículo de opinión Gabriel trata sobre un tema sobre el que ya
he hablado en numerosas ocasiones, mencionando que Google y Facebook
rastrean a los usuarios incluso aunque no inicien sesión o ni tan
siquiera dispongan de cuenta. Citando el Proyecto de Princeton de
Transparencia y Responsabilidad en la Telaraña, Gabriel informa que el
76% de las páginas contienen rastreadores ocultos de Google y el 24% de
Facebook. Gabriel reclama nueva legislación estableciendo que la gente
posee sus datos, y mientras tanto usar navegadores de privacidad reforzada.
Google, Facebook data privacy concerns out of control-commentary
Ignacio Agulló · name at domain