Various various questions

2 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 03/04/2010

Hi. With Trisquel 4.0 released, I've decided to post my questions as my interest in Trisquel has been rekindled.

1) What is the status regarding hardware support, particularly 3D, of Intel Core i* processors with Intel HD GMA/Graphics?

2) How difficult is it to install a persistent Trisquel installation on a USB stick or SD card that also has the proper hardware support to run on one specific computer?

3) Is it possible to install Trisquel on an external hard drive without the installer affecting anything on the internal hard drive?

4) Since I find Gnome bloated, and I plainly don't like LXDE, is there an official package for XFCE? If so, is it a full-blown desktop package that has been modified specifically to fit into Trisquel both functionally and visually, or is it just a general XFCE package? If it is a general package or an XFCE package does no exist, is it possible to use the xubuntu-desktop package and modify it so that all non-free artwork and other material is removed and Trisquel branding is added?

I also have another question, though it isn't Trisquel specific: does anybody know whether or not there are SD cards available that feature a "smart write" feature like that found on most modern USD pen drives?


Hors ligne
A rejoint: 01/20/2010

Hash: SHA1

On 26/09/10 23:17, name at domain wrote:
> 1) What is the status regarding hardware support, particularly 3D,
> of Intel Core i* processors with Intel HD GMA/Graphics?
Intel graphic cards seem to work well, including 3D acceleration.
Check for more info about the hardware support.

> 2) How difficult is it to install a persistent Trisquel installation
> on a USB stick or SD card that also has the proper hardware support
> to run on one specific computer?
There is a tool to specifically make persistent external installations
that can be used like normal installations. I would say it's very
simple to use. (Take care with 64 bits installations, can render
unusable in 32 bit enviroments ;)

> 3) Is it possible to install Trisquel on an external hard drive
> without the installer affecting anything on the internal hard drive?
I think it is possible.

> 4) Since I find Gnome bloated, and I plainly don't like LXDE, is
> there an official package for XFCE? If so, is it a full-blown
> desktop package that has been modified specifically to fit into
> Trisquel both functionally and visually, or is it just a general
> XFCE package? If it is a general package or an XFCE package does no
> exist, is it possible to use the xubuntu-desktop package and modify
> it so that all non-free artwork and other material is removed and
> Trisquel branding is added?
A XFCE enviroment can be installed with the "xfce4" package, although
I think the usual programs won't be installed by default.

Sorry for my english.

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Hors ligne
A rejoint: 10/01/2010

Hello Ambassador

I have an Intel Core i3 530 processor with integrated video card and 3D graphics seems to be working pretty good (out of the box) with my Trisquel Taranis 4.0.1 installation. The programs I have tested so far includes Compiz, OpenArena, Nexuiz, SuperTuxKart and SuperTux. Some games may have a few graphical glitches here and there but it's nothing critical.

I can't play something like Nexuiz on the highest settings but if I turn off some of the most intense effects and perhaps lower the resolution a bit, I can get the game to run quite smoothly.