Version 25.1 of the Emacs text editor is now available.

4 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 01/18/2014

to all emacs lovers
Version 25.1 of the Emacs text editor is now available.
time for fun

have fun and be free
ali miracle

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A rejoint: 06/29/2013

I love emacs with all my soul. Nice to have this new version :-)

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A rejoint: 02/23/2012

I love emacs but I love my fingers more. :)

ps: I've remapped default key bindings.

hack and hack
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A rejoint: 04/02/2015

evil-mode rocks if you like Vim's way.

I don't really have a need for such an advanced text editor (I'm no programmer/dev), but it's fun. Also I will at least get skills to manipulate text and lines in bulk, which is not doable in a normal text editor like Writer. It will basically be a time-saver to me.

So I'll be underusing this monster a whole lot.
Are there any "normal use" things for Emacs that can be worth learning?
For example, The TODO in org looks cool, even if I have yet to get used to it.

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

Writer is not a "text editor" (like Emacs, GEdit, etc.), it is a WYSIWYG "text processor". Different uses, although you can do (not WYSIWYG) text processing in a text editor (e.g., writing in LaTeX).

And, everybody is underusing Emacs: Emacs is huge! You cannot know it all.