Volunteer to write more regular blog posts for trisquel.info
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I'm happy to write copy so that the trisquel.info blog can be updated more frequently. Samples of my tech blog writing can be found at disintermedia.net.nz/blog (when the service hosting it is working ;)
Core team members could chuck me rough bullet points on what ought to be included / not included in each blog piece. Alternatively, perhaps an official Trisquel fediverse account could be set up? Any member of the core team could throw out quick progress updates and news notes there whenever they have time or motivation, ideally with relevant links. Then I could bundle those into blog posts.
Are you able to show up to the Freedom Fridays meeting on IRC in #trisquel-dev on irc.freenode.net and suggest this?
That's great, strypey. I agree with that especially for technical tips
& tricks for daily use and school.
I'll try to attend this Friday.
> Are you able to show up to the Freedom Fridays meeting on IRC
Based on what Chaosmonk said in the Trisquel Studio thread, these usually start at 16:00 UTC and last a few hours. If my calculations are correct, 16:00 UTC is midnight on Saturday here (I'm in China, same time zone as HK):
Not the ideal time to attend a meeting ;)
Alternatively, would it be possible to bring up my offer to volunteer as an agenda item and make a decisions about it in my absence? If anyone likely to be involved in that decision-making has any questions, you could post them here, and I'll check in each day through the week and answer them.
A rather important topic these days is https://trisquel.info/forum/internet-connection-problem
Many users, who enabled flidas-backports, may be stuck with no domain name resolution or even no Internet connection and may be considering quitting Trisquel. The latest update of NetworkManager does not fix the problems on my system: it should be removed quickly (the Update Manager is still proposing it) and a post on the main page could explain how to get a wired connection (informing the IP address of any DNS server in the Network Setting) and how to downgrade the problematic packages ('sudo apt install network-manager=1.2.6-0ubuntu0.16.04.3 wpasupplicant=2.4-0ubuntu6.6').
I completely agree with MB. Why don't you make a document about tethering?
Any update on this? Has it been discussed at the IRC meetings?
> Any update on this? Has it been discussed at the IRC meetings?
During the 11/1 meeting I said
"quidam: in other news, a trisquel user has volunteered to write blog
posts for the website. he cannot make the friday meetings due to his
time zone, but perhaps you could reply to him here if this is something
you'd want
to which he replied
"chaosmonk: good news, I'll reply"
Maybe he forgot. I remind him this Friday.
The problematic version of NetworkManager was removed from flidas-backports. My proposal remains:
[A] post on the main page could explain how to get a wired connection (informing the IP address of any DNS server in the Network Setting) and how to downgrade the problematic packages ('sudo apt install network-manager=1.2.6-0ubuntu0.16.04.3 wpasupplicant=2.4-0ubuntu6.6').
I wonder how many users have been stucked for weeks with no Internet connection and have not either discovered the solution on this forum... or ditched Trisquel. Probably not many...
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