website builder for html/css
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I no longer want to make websites with CMS, but with html/css. The reason is above all the performance of free hosters. I can do a little html, but not enough. I have almost no idea about css, almost nothing.
So I need a website builder where I can put things together as easily as possible, with templates and plugins. It should also be possible to make a multilingual website.
So far I have come across these tools:
Does anyone have experience with any of these? Are there any others I should look at?
thanks for your advice!
Not easy to find the right one. Hugo seems not to have a GUI? Publii has a GUI, but the window is much to big for my small screen and I CAN NOT make it smaller. Seems to have a minimal size. Ther is Quick and Easy Web Builder, that is the first one I could install without problems and works fine. 30 day version for free, then you have to install it new, I think. The little logo is easy to remove. Now I will try GrapesJS and Silex. I wonder if there is a tool to generate more advanced websites, with php functions and java, that can be developted local and then just upload the result to the hoster?
> I wonder if there is a tool to generate more advanced websites, with php functions and java, that can be developted local and then just upload the result to the hoster?
I would think bluefish has all you need to do just that.
Another one you might want to have a look at is NetBeans:
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