What apps does you use with Replicant OS ?
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I installed Replicant on an old Samsung Tab 2. What apps work well ?
I use the following apps daily, they work well on my S3 and on my note 2:
For maps:
I have no GPS firmware, so this is just for browsing maps.
I use seafile because I run a seafile server, it works well but not offline, so this is not really doing a sync of files (unlike syncthing).
On my S3, regular voice calls work ok, including with speaker, but not headset (remote party hears a loud high pitch noise). On my note 2, they work well, headset works fine.
EDIT: I also have a tablet (not galaxy tab 2, a smaller one) running Replicant which has no cellular modem, wifi works with a dongle (but some dongles that work on trisquel don't work). I don't really use it because it doesn't do anything better than a phone.
Thank you !, I got WiFi to work through the OTB cable with ar9271 dongle. I couldn't get Mull to work, but was able to get privacy browser to work. Right now I'm trying to vlc to work. Sounds works , but no video. Koreader works fine, trying to find a good comic book reader.
Most Android browser actually rely on the System WebView, which means if your ROM doesn't get regular updates (I think Replicant does not) you will be left open to vulnerabilities. The way around it would be Fennec/Mull or Bromite, which use their own engines and are self-updated.
For video, you can try MPV and "Just (Video) Player". These are both using different engines from VLC, so maybe you will get lucky. Also, try changing the settings a little. Sometimes deactivating hardware acceleration will solve things, at the cost of speed and battery life.
I still didn't install Replicant, but I'm going to do so. I'm sad to read that Organic Maps is too slow on it because I really like it :(
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