What are your thoughts about Fairphone 2?

54 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 12/18/2017

Yes this seems reasonable :P

Actually I have a question for which is not related to this and not related to the thread.

You oftentimes show me the "$ apt-cache search" which is great, I am beginning to use it regularly.

But do you have a neat way of saying to the terminal that I just want to immediately install all the search results? Say if I want to search for everything name something seomthing "gnu" could I just do "$ sudo apt install *gnu*"?


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A rejoint: 07/07/2017

$ sudo apt install *gnu*

will indeed attempt to install every package with "gnu" in the name. However, don't do it. That will install a huge number of packages, most of which you don't want. It might not even work, as some of those packages may be conflicting. I think the extra step of deciding what you want to install before installing it is worth it.

One way of reducing your amount of typing in a terminal, especially if you are typo prone, is thefuck.


Hors ligne
A rejoint: 12/18/2017

> thefuck


Yeah, you got a point, but what if I just knew that I was going to install all the results of a apt-cache search anyway. Do you know any tricks?


I am a member!

I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/07/2017

'apt-cache search' searches by both name and description, but if you are only interested packages you would search for by name, 'apt install' should work.

For example, if I know without searching that there are several packages that begin with "evolution-plugins" and I want to install them all, I can do

$ sudo apt install evolution-plugins*

That's the closest thing I can think of to what you're asking for.