What is Happening in BRAZIL?!

12 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 08/13/2017

Hi to all, I wanted to ask those who are in Brazil or recently left (today is 5 September 2017), as the countries around the world are all facing looming crises. Specifically political corruption & economic woes:
- Temer remain in ofice?
- Poverty reduction policy?
- more austerity?
- governments paying their bills/Are workers getting their back pay?
teachers and students, etc...

I wish to hear from someone their in Brazil now for a firsthand account of their experiences.
Is the country deteriorating or improving?
I do not trust the corporate fake news and thought I would ask here in the lounge.
Wish People living in Brazil joyful living.

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A rejoint: 05/07/2012

Kapitalismus that's all.

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

It is a mess. There are extremely convincing proofs (audio and video recordings) that the politicians of all main parties are corrupt (the great majority of the legislative power, all the executive power). The judiciary system (up to the supreme court) is denunciated as well. Even the public ministry starts to raise doubts. We are talking about billions of dollars. Only today, it was found in a flat belonging to a minister (in activity) more than 40 million reais (US$ 13M) in cash: the count is not over yet! The president, Michel Temer, is strongly suspected to have asked R$ 500,000 (US$ 160,000) per week from one single company (that could pass whatever amendment/law it wanted). There is a video where a close collaborator of Temer (according to an audio recording of Temer himself talking with the CEO of the company in an unofficial meeting) takes the first payment: a suitcase full of cash. Those are only examples. Every political leader (well, apart from the extreme-left parties) is involved in about a dozen of scandals.

Temer took the power after a legislative coup driven by him and the president of the congress, who is now in jail (and Temer says in the same audio recording that the CEO should keep on paying him monthly briberies). To protect the corrupts. And to apply the neo-liberal politics (the opposite of what people voted for), modifying the constitution to freeze the public expenses for the next 20 years (since the population, especially the oldest, grows, the public services are doomed to worsen and so are the pensions), cutting off social programs, weakening the working legislation, the budget for the science (my area) was divided by more than four in comparison to three years ago, etc. Inequalities are huge and now increasing again: the minimal salary is below US$ 300/month (and stopped growing with Temer), many workers receive it, whereas many people earn 50 times that (and pay less tax in proportion). But those receiving the minimal salary are happy: since the coup, unemployment, which was below 7% in 2015, has almost double: it is above 13%. Temer had 7% of approval the last I saw this figure. Ir must be less now.

Some States are in situations that are much worse than that of the Federation. Typically, the State of Rio de Janeiro has been broken for years: public workers are paid several months later, whereas the ex-governer has tens of millions in foreign accounts (in exchange to superfactured public contracts, to getting the Olympic games, etc.).

A good article by Glenn Greenwald (who lives in Brazil) published the day after the congress voted for the archival of denunciations against Temer: https://theintercept.com/2017/08/03/brazils-corrupt-congress-protects-its-bribe-drenched-president-finalizing-elites-two-year-plot/

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A rejoint: 08/13/2017

Thanks for sharing that - doesn't look to be improving.
Isn't the forum member ADFENO from Brazil, I hope to read what he shares about Brazil's crisis.

I'm on a worldwide watch (www) to see the precursor to spontaneous self organizing phenomena (that statism puppets like to deride as stupid populism or chaos) for grassroots boycotts to starve the beast system.

Be safe and Amplify Awareness (AA) my friend.

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

I live in Brazil too (although I am French).

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A rejoint: 08/13/2017

I hope to read more of your experiences in Brazil.
Thanks for sharing.


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 10/31/2014

>There are extremely convincing proofs (audio and video recordings) that the politicians of all main parties are corrupt

No shit... I always thought politicians and all those beautiful extremely rich and powerful people are there to look for the interest of the poor.. :D

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A rejoint: 08/13/2017

>"politicians and all those beautiful extremely rich and powerful people are there to look for the interest of the poor"...

Unfortunately many individuals are effectively indoctrinated to believe that - I get no irony/humor from that

I see Kings, Queens, and Priest "Trusted" with godly powers of authority to protect the people in their realm - under their care such as "Queen" Elizabeth, Pope Francis and others.

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A rejoint: 01/09/2013

SuperTramp83 SAID:

No shit... I always thought politicians and all those beautiful extremely rich and powerful people are there to look for the interest of the poor.. :D

so I VOTE for President of SuperTramp83 only.

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A rejoint: 01/02/2017

I am from Brazil. Temer is still in power. He managed to corrupt his way out of impeachment. Former president Lula is basically wasted by the huge amount of proof and is soon to be locked up for good. One of his former ministers has given up all the Petobras and Odebrecht schemes during his government.

There have been speculations about government cease to supply the common people with insulin, which is basically mass murder... Don't know if this is true, though...

The universities are in somewhat of a critical level nowdays, Temer has notoriously shrink investments in research.

And the country as a whole is pretty much stuffed with criminals, and as usual nobody will do anything about it. For instance, in the city I live there are no cops in the Bus terminals for like 3 months already. People get robbed and even murdered every day, commonly for a cellphone.

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A rejoint: 02/17/2016

A motorcycle is stolen from under the owner in broad daylight at gunpoint. Then the robber is shot dead before he gets the dropped motorcycle going.

It's sad but I don't blame this kid trying to make a living the only way he knows. Those in power live in another reality. They could as well be different species. Nothing binds them together. No common traits, no shared interests.



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A rejoint: 01/02/2017

Quite old case. It happens everyday. Normally the victim is the one to get shot. Rarely there are any consequences of any sort to the criminal.

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A rejoint: 08/13/2017

to loldier and jules_verne,
from what you and others are sharing, I gather the institutional crimes are getting worse or hasn't improved in Brazil.
This appears to be the "globalization" trend...

Institutional governance needs to be called to account and individuals learn to question everything while simultaneously implementing alternatives, rather than blindly trusting institutions and their deceitful officials.
I often remind myself of these quotes as I observe the "globalization" agenda within the international monetary system (IMS):

> There is not one single national economy in the world today whose people are free.

> ... for your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your sorcery.

> No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money (Mammon).

> For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms