Which digital camera do you recommend?

25 réponses [Dernière contribution]
Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
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A rejoint: 06/06/2018

I want a digital camera. And I noticed that a lot of those cameras have that Wifi function. I do not need that. It seems that old models tend not to have the function. I do not mind having older models because they are usually cheap but I would like better picture quality and wider angle lens. I do not care about weight and size. Would you recommend something? or I would appreciate it if I could get rid of the communication component of a camera. Is that easy? If I could do that, I would be able to get newer models.

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

I am not into photography. Anyway, on the software side:

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
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A rejoint: 06/06/2018

Do you use film camera and develop film by yourself?
And I do not understand the merit of using CHDK and Magic Lantern. It does not replace the firmware. Or rather I think even if it replaces it, the function could still work. And those supported old powershots seem to be still expensive.
I found a lot of called kids cameras. Almost minimal functions and this camera is 2000 pixel. Plus 16GB SD card. Around $27. Does this camera have something freedom issues?

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
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A rejoint: 06/06/2018

Edit above post:
2000 pixel > 20 million pixels.

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

Do you use film camera and develop film by yourself?

I believe you misread me: I am NOT into photography.

And I do not understand the merit of using CHDK and Magic Lantern.

See https://chdk.fandom.com/wiki/Features and https://wiki.magiclantern.fm/userguide

It does not replace the firmware. Or rather I think even if it replaces it, the function could still work.

Indeed, both only *add* features.

And those supported old powershots seem to be still expensive.

I am French (although I live in Brazil with high import taxes). The less than three year-old IXUS 185 (called IXY 200 in Japan) costs 90€ in France (no idea in Japan): https://www.darty.com/nav/achat/image_son/photo_numerique/appareil_photo/canon_ixus_185_silver.html

CHDK supports it. It has a 28mm wide angle, 20 Megapixels, an 8x optical zoom, a flash, ..., and no Wifi.

I found a lot of called kids cameras.

In the original post, you wrote "I would like better picture quality and wider angle lens"... and you now look at cameras for kids?!

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A rejoint: 05/01/2018

Purchasing used camera from dark market is a wise choice (like other computing devices).

I plan to purchase a (used) Canon 1DX Mark II (and new lenses) to replace my aged Nikon D800E. You can try to search specifications of said models and see whether they meet your requirements. Since taking photos using mobile phones has been popular since recent decade, any low end camera (whose photographic quality isn't significantly better than phones) doesn't worth buying.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
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A rejoint: 06/06/2018

I found a $18 SX100ls and placed an order. The cover of the battery chamber is broken so it does not close but it seems that other functions are ok. Stoked on my first single lens reflex. SX50 was more attractive but it was around $100. But SX100ls's picture quality of samples seemed to satisfy enough. Thank you guys.

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

8 Megapixels and not a wide-angle lens. But, sure, it is cheap.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
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A rejoint: 06/06/2018

Yes, I regretted that I did not take more time to consider. But, yeah, sure it is cheap. I hope that there were not other better options at that price.

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A rejoint: 05/01/2018

I found my first digital camera: Samsung V5 (2004). It seems that it's still usable, albeit only 5 mega pixels.

The pro is that this camera can use two standard AA sized rechargeable batteries instead of specialized lithium ion battery, so I needn't worry about battery availability. The con is that it supports only (micro)SD cards but not (micro)SDHC cards, so the storage capacity is capped at 2 GB. Fortunately I do have some 2-GB (micro)SD cards.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
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A rejoint: 06/06/2018

My first digital camera is Fujifilm. Maybe it is DC-7 (1996). Maybe I could not afford to buy a memory card nor a Windows 95 then, so I could not save more than maybe 10 or 20 pictures. And its picture quality was quite bad. Disposal cameras were popular and very better quality then. 写るんデス(QuickSnap). I guess most of the current young generation have not seen a disposal camera... most agents of somewhere would have liked a developing job... the vocation... Anyway so I got tired of the digital camera soon. Maybe I still have it somewhere in my home but it would be completely unusable.

typo: 写ルンです > 写るんデス

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A rejoint: 05/01/2018

The capacity of memory cards in early 2000s were rather limited. Some photographers purchased digital players (also known as "MP3 players" (sic)) with 4~5 GB micro hard disk and use the disks (CF Type II compatible) in their cameras. The result was many disk-less digital players in dark market. My (another) hobby is to collect them at very low prices and then re-assemble them using CF cards (also purchased from dark market). The refurbished players are shock proof and consume much lower power. The noises from hard disks are gone, too.

BTW, the "typo" you corrected was just a switching between hiragana and katakana. Does it really matter?

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
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A rejoint: 06/06/2018

I started to look for a good camera which satisfies me, and realized a thing. I had had no idea what degree of quality satisfies me. Now, I understood it vaguely. Can you guess what camera was used to take this photo (only 168kb)? It is a matter of stability, if you and me take a photo with the same 写ルンです or 写るんデス, which can take a better stable photo, right? It seems that Canon does not open the best photographs which are taken by their flagship to the public on their website. That's strange and funny. Nikon does. But I am pretty sure the photographer would have used a tripod. I think that's a basically unfair game. It seems that it is the same problem of digital painting. There lacks the idea of accuracy. Unfair and, anyway boring. A relation of a politician could be a "famous but not good" photographer, or rather, actually can be a curator, musician, painter... It would be difficult to him to be a professional athlete, though. I took a look at a website of a so-called famous photographer. His accuracy does not seem good. Or rather, that was a kind of laughing matter, I'm afraid. By the way, I got refund for the SX100 because of some reason. And I can keep the camera. It is free! It really might satisfies me enough, I am not still sure, though.

Note that I found some very accurate photographs taken by the flagships. I see, for sure, if you have a 1DX mark or D850, then if you cannot show your stability, that would be shame. I know there are other fun with photography. But lacking the sense of competition makes a lot of the photographers or anything who's relate is a politician. I will damage it for the sake of the healthy world. And maybe I do not like very much those people who lack the sense of competition. If they lack it, they would not try or struggle to refine their skills. Because simply it is really tough to compete and keep thinking "I will be the no.1 photographer.". Do it. At least I admire it if you showed unbelievable stability even if no one admire such a thing. The photograph world seems to lack the respect, from my quick view.

Anyway this world is also interesting, as a view of a painter. It is related to painting deeply.
Would you guys mind sharing your photographs? Someone seems to have already resigned the competition. But I believe he is simply just modest and will share his photographs with us, though. I think "share your photographs!" thread would be ignored.


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A rejoint: 01/11/2011

You can get very good photos using point and shoot or bridge cameras (with CHDK). Attached are two images: one a night picture I took with a tripod using SX200IS with a 10 second exposure and the other using the super-zoom SX60HS with a small f-number (large aperture). Both are compressed and downscaled to fit this post.

PS: you took your picture using Canon PowerShot SX30 IS (it appears in the picture's metadata).

IMG_0853_compressed.jpg IMG_1292_compressed.jpg
Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
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A rejoint: 06/06/2018

Unbelievable the quality of these photos for the performance of these cameras! Besides, they are under 2MB. What I was studying and wanted to know in these days was kind of the limit performance of a cheap camera which I can afford to get. I was almost always thinking about cameras recently... Did you use a tripod to take the right one? And I believe SX60HS has Wifi, do not we have to care about it so much? I really mind it, though. Besides, taking apart a camera seems to be more difficult than a laptop. And disabling the function by software seems impossible... unless it has a kill switch. SX30IS or SX50HS seem not to have Wifi so it is not an urgent matter, though. Thank you guys!! Anyway the right one seems to be an equal quality to ones which were taken by D850. I was just going to place an order for a EOS M ($200 with 18-55 STM lens!) but I would not do that. I might not buy anything anymore. In the future, I want to use a single lens reflex camera, though. (It wasn't)

PS: That is not my photo. I found that somewhere on the internet.


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 01/11/2011

I didn't use a tripod to take the bird picture. The pictures are actually pretty big without additional compression. I didn't setup wireless (it's mainly designed to transfer pictures - I just copy from the SD card).

The M10 is a mirrorless interchangeable lens camera (similar to DSLR) at least partially supported by CHDK (I'm not sure CHDK supports other lenses).

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
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A rejoint: 06/06/2018

My photos always blur. I took a look at some websites to learn how to but there were not what I wanted to know. How to take a distinct photo?

About the setup, I guess that that means the wireless is weak enough but someday I will study it. If I had not care about that, I would be able to have wider choices.

> (I'm not sure CHDK supports other lenses)

I see.


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 01/11/2011

Try switching to manual mode and setting exposure to a small enough number e.g. 1/30 seconds (I struggle taking pictures without a tripod with exposures greater than 1/10 seconds) with ISO set to the lowest value and also f-number set to the highest value (unless you want a blurry background - then start with small f-number). Then increase the aperture (decrease f-number) and the if needed also increase the ISO (which comes at the expense of the quality so best not to use the highest value) until the preview picture looks sufficiently exposed.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
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A rejoint: 06/06/2018

It was improved very much. Though it costed around 10 minutes and two AA size alkaline batteries. Too fast. I had placed an order with SX30IS after your first post here because of some troubles of the SX100IS, mainly the battery trouble, though.
How about posture? I think people would have own way or philosophy, though. May I ask how do you hold your body with a squat, or a stand, or kind of an air drums?


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 01/11/2011

I hold the camera steadily with two hands if necessary. The Canon cameras have an image stabilization option which you should turn on when not using a tripod.

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
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A rejoint: 06/06/2018

I see, it was improved for sure. I feel I need to develop my muscles more, though. Thank you!


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A rejoint: 01/11/2011

I purchased an EOS M10, loaded CHDK and took this beautiful picture today with shallow depth of field (blurry background).

Masaru Suzuqi -under review-
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A rejoint: 06/06/2018


Deleuse uses quite a lot of pages to write about modern film directors's some new use of deep focus. Maybe comtemporary artists have to create new use of shallow focus after passed through the use of deep focus. In that case, the use of deep focus does express the time image then the new use of shallow focus would express a new movement image. I think the use of shallow focus would concern multiverse, in short, it should be kind of a super shallow image (or super flat) and maybe it would remind you of quantum computer. Creating time image works was modern artists's main concern but from this era, maybe kind of multispace image would be a main future of post-modernism. Espesially as Tarkovsky's works work with almost only East European, the time image tends and has to be discriminating but I hope the new space (I am merely assuming Cézanne's way (and mine), so someone might bring compeletely another idea, who knows) image will have a certain kind of a common future. I guess you used a 22mm single focus lens but if there is a 1mm or 0mm?, -1mm single focus lens, I wonder what kind of pictures are taken by.
By the way, there is a bowl of rice in your picture. Did s/he use the fork to eat it? or chopsticks? Just wondered.

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A rejoint: 02/12/2015

That dinner looks incredible!


I am a translator!

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A rejoint: 01/11/2011

It was a (late) lunch - my order was shakshouka with eggplant and feta cheese (which was excellent), salad, tahini and sourdough bread. A friend ordered schnitzel with rice, potato puree and tomato soup with rice (the bowl with the spoon in the picture contains the soup - for completion sake I'm also attaching the soup picture to this post). We both ate the rice with regular cutlery. We also had this excellent dessert.

IMG_0006_compressed.jpg IMG_0014_compressed.jpg

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A rejoint: 01/11/2011

By the way I changed the lens in the EOS M10 and CHDK works fine. I'm guessing CHDK might not support all the features of the different lenses.