Why is Abrowser at version 118 in the repo when Firefox is still 117?

5 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 02/12/2015

I'm used to Abrowser being about a day or two behind the latest Firefox release. However, right now I'm seeing Abrowser 118 in the Trisquel repo, but Firefox is still at version 117.

Is that correct? Just wondering. Thanks!

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A rejoint: 05/20/2022
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A rejoint: 02/12/2015

And now today Firefox has uploaded version 118: https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/118.0/linux-x86_64/en-US/

Seems like unusual timing for this all, but I guess I don't see any problem.


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A rejoint: 07/15/2009

Recall that Ubuntu no longer ships Firefox on DEB format, so we are pulling Firefox source directly from Mozilla Developers that gives us earlier access to the latest releases, since they come from a closer upstream source.

Seems like there will be a Thunderbird/Icedove update too in the next weeks.

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A rejoint: 02/12/2015

That's pretty cool, so now Abrowser can be more up-to-date than Firefox on Ubuntu. I guess we should thank Ubuntu for making firefox a snap!

Sunny Day
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A rejoint: 01/05/2023

I love that!!!