Wifi dongles

2 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 12/10/2013

I want to switch from Kubuntu to Trisquel, so I booted up a live USB and found that it works great. The only thing that didn't work was my wifi card, a Ralink RT3090. (Actually on the download page for their firmware, it says it's under the gpl, but when opening the archive, you get a binary blob with a nonfree license.)

So, I think I should get a dongle. Which dongles are the best with free software?

Magic Banana

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A rejoint: 07/24/2010

The only company that guarantees all its hardware works with Linux-libre (hence the 100% free GNU/Linux distributions such as Trisquel) is ThinkPenguin. By using the following link, 25% of the benefits on your purchase will be donated to the Trisquel project: http://libre.thinkpenguin.com

Another solution is to search for second-hand cards whose vendor indicates the actual chipset. As far as I understand (anyone to confirm?), Linux-libre can now drive any ath9k chipset. You may need to update the kernel though.

Only consulting h-node is not 100% reliable (but can work) because you will find a model that is listed as "working" but this same model may now embed a different chipset (what matters).

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A rejoint: 12/10/2013

OK, I think I'll get one from ThinkPenguin. I'm fine with having to update linux-libre.