Wifi not working properly in Trisquel 10

18 réponses [Dernière contribution]
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A rejoint: 07/17/2013


As mentioned in my previous thread, I installed in my Librebooted Thinkpad T400 Trisquel 9 and upgraded to 10. Internet connection worked great under 9 (and when I boot the live USB it still does!) but in 10 it doesn't.

First thing I did was trying to get an ethernet connection up (even ethernet would most of the time not work, but after rebooting a few times it did work) and installed Linux Libre LTS 6.1.31 (Trisquel's was 5.something). That didn't help at all.

After a search online I understand it was a common problem for Ubuntu 20.04 users. After trying the solution offered in one askubuntu posts, I run these commands:

sudo touch /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-globally-managed-devices.conf
sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

This DID help, because now I always get ethernet connection when I connect the cable. I can now have internet connection if I need to install anything else. However, Wifi doesn't work. In the applet Indicator it states under Wifi "Device not managed".

I tried following some other advice that apparently helped other people and run:

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
adding the following:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

Which some people suggested would have the network devices being properly managed, but it didn't help either.
So, I am have ethernet working, but wifi is not working. I know the hardware is fine because if I boot the Live USB it works like a charm (Trisquel 9). In Trisquel 10 something (configuration??) is preventing it from working properly.

Any help greatly appreciated, thanks!


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A rejoint: 05/20/2022

From time to time, wifi cards that need to load non-free firmware to work are identified, and consequently stop working in updated versions of Trisquel. I remember at least two such cases in the past couple of years. The bug is actually that they had been working and loading non-free stuff.

So I would first try to check what lspci has to tell me about "Network controller". On my current system it says "AR9565 Wireless Network Adapter" and it works fine with Trisquel 11. I once had a BCM4313 on an other machine, which used to work with Trisquel 9, which was a bug that was later identified and fixed. Wifi would certainly not have worked o
in that configuration with Trisquel 10.

Here is another example: https://trisquel.info/en/forum/wireless-dongue-rtl8812au#comment-172238.

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A rejoint: 07/17/2013

Thanks, like I said it is a Librebooted T400 so I would expect that not to be the problem.
Here is what says in lspci:

Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)

Looks good just as yours.
I think it must be some wrong configuration, because ethernet was not working either and running that command I mentioned in the first post actually solved it. I just don't know how to do the same thing for wifi adapter.

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A rejoint: 05/20/2022

Indeed, this is a fully free wifi card. I will try to look at my own config and see whether anything could help you on Trisquel 10.

However, if you have no specific reason not to, you may want to try a fresh Trisquel 11 install.

EDIT: just read your previous thread, the above does not seem to be an option, for the very specific reason that it does not work.

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A rejoint: 07/17/2013

Yes, exactly :(
Until the whole "encryption" thing get solved (either at Libreboot or Trisquel installer) I have to go with installing 9 and updating to 10. I wouldn't mind going to 11 if that would solve the issue, but like some other people complained already (and I myself) Trisquel 10 gives an unknown error when trying to upgrade to 11. So that's not an option right now either :(
Anyway, I am happy with going with "old stable" as long as it works. If you (or someone else) knows which files I should look at in Trisquel 9 (which works well in the live USB) I may try looking at that configuration files and see if I need to adjust anything in Trisquel 10 to match. But I don't now which files actually carry these configurations.

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A rejoint: 05/20/2022

What was the content of your /etc/network folder before you appended that 'interfaces' file? I have four folders and no 'interfaces' file, so networking may be quite different from what you got on Trisquel 10.

You may still want to try to add your wifi on the 'auto' line of the 'interfaces' file. The actual name would be 'wlan0' or 'wlp2s0', you can find it by running: ip a

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A rejoint: 07/17/2013

Thanks I will try that. Mine is called wlp2s0 I had checked that before when trying to solve this.
Actually when running "ip a", it gives me this:

wlp2s0: mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default qlen 1000

Could that "state DOWN" be the culprit here?


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A rejoint: 07/17/2013

# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
# Include files from /etc/network/interfaces.d:
# source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d
auto lo
auto wlp2s0
iface lo inet loopback

This is what my file looks like now.
Before it looked like this:

# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
# Include files from /etc/network/interfaces.d:
source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d

EDIT: Even after adding the wlp2s0 there it didn't work. I even tried running a sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager but nothing happened...

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A rejoint: 05/20/2022

I am finding similar suggestions to this:

auto wlp2s0
iface wlp2s0 inet dhcp
wpa-essid mywifiname
wpa-psk mypass

Where you need to replace 'mywifiname' and 'mypass' with their respective values for the network you are trying to connect to. The idea is to append it to your 'interfaces' file, right after what you previously added for lo.

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A rejoint: 07/17/2013

I will try that, but shouldn't the issue be about the Wifi connection saying "Device not managed" and not about adding a specific wifi network with its name and password? If I need to connect to another one it will again not work, right? As in the wifi is not making a "scan" of all the wifi networks available and allowing me to connect to them.

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A rejoint: 05/20/2022

I think you may try to add the first two lines only, and see what happens.

If nothing happens, this will probably be a dead end.

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A rejoint: 07/17/2013

I added all the lines, and rebooted the machine. During boot it appeared a message something like "a start job is running Raise network devices" and it lasted for the limit time (5mins) and it did nothing. Wifi is still not available.
I just remembered something. Yesterday (and I did it again just now) I run:

sudo iwlist wlp2s0 scan

And both my wifi and my neighboors wifi appear. So the wifi chip is actually working and seeing the wifi networks available around! All the information is there, the names, everything...
I don't know however if iwlist can actually connect to wifi or not, and even if so, what I need to do is have the NetworkManager taking control of the wifi connection. Which is what I fail to do so up to this point :(

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A rejoint: 05/20/2022

Yes, I also believe your wifi card is fine.

> what I need to do is have the NetworkManager taking control of the wifi connection

Exactly. Or use the 'interfaces' configuration file, which may in fact bypass NetworkManager (or maybe not, but possibly). Else, I seem to remember that there was a new tool on the block called 'netplan' that landed in Trisquel 10. Unfortunately (for you) Trisquel 11 came so fast that I directly switched from Trisquel 9, so I never got into the details of the netplan problems: my /etc/netplan folder is totally empty (on Trisquel 11). You may want to try and dig deeper into that netplan thing, if you netplan folder is populated.

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A rejoint: 07/17/2013

Well.... that seems to be the case. I do have netplan installed (running netplan in terminal gives output) and I do have a file in that folder with the details of the wifi network I used when installing Trisquel. So... I tried adding the same lines with my current wifi network and will reboot. Let's see what happens. If no satisfactory result, i will remove netplan and hope that will release the wifi network adapter to be controled by Network Manager.

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A rejoint: 07/17/2013

Well, after adding the necessary lines in netplan folder (file called 01-netcfg.yaml) and running:

sudo netplan apply

I removed the ethernet cable and it instantly connected to my wifi (writing from there right now yay!).
I instantly noticed because I have the MATE Netspeed applet showing internet speeds and it went to 0 (when removing the cable) and instantly got back up with numbers (now showing the wifi details).
Which kinda makes me wonder.... ok I got the wifi working and I am very happy about it. But I prefer to use the graphical network manager to control wifi. I wonder if removing netplan would actually solve it.

Btw, I removed those lines from /etc/network/interfaces, so i know it's not that. Most likely it is netplan.
Thanks for the help so far. Please do stick around as I will probably try to get control over to NetworkManager and could use your precious help if things go wrong :P Or to just open the champagne bottles if things go right yay!

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A rejoint: 05/20/2022

Re-installing NetworkManager may help too, according to this:

"When network-manager is installed, it creates new netplan configuration files, setting itself as the default network renderer and taking control of all devices."


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A rejoint: 07/17/2013

All is well when it ends well ahah!
I removed netplan.io in synaptic. And rebooted (no ethernet cable in). Wifi was up but most importantly, the graphical applet for NetworkManager is now showing control over Wifi networks! I can now use it the way I always intended, yay!!
And I even stuck the ethernet cable and in a few seconds connection was made through there too! removed, and wifi is back again! All is well now!
Reinstalling NetworkManager was also something I was thinking of, but apparently it was not necessary. If I notice any difficulties, I may later reinstall Netplan and afterwards reinstall NetworkManager to try and take control again.

So, if anyone else is having this issue, try checking netplan most likely it will solve things (either giving you a connection or just removing it). iwlist is also of help to make sure wifi chip is working properly.

Thank you so much prospero!! My trisquel machine is much happier now! :D

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A rejoint: 05/20/2022

Any time, hearing about happy Trisquel machines makes me happy.

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A rejoint: 05/20/2022

I just wanted to correct the spurious spelling and formatting of my earlier post:

"Wifi would certainly not have worked trololo in that configuration with Trisquel 10."