XBox marketing and Kinect data

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A rejoint: 09/30/2010

I'm not sure whether this has been brought up before, but I guess most of us would not be surprised:


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A rejoint: 09/15/2011

Surprised? Not really, George Orwell's 1984 was a set book for my
'junior high' exams back in the seventies. :-}

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A rejoint: 02/03/2013

A box with television and communication capabilities attached to a camera controlled by proprietary software; it did remind me of 1984 at one point.


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A rejoint: 09/15/2011

You only have to add Snowden's revelation that the NSA have access to
Microsoft's own servers for the full effect to seem probable.


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A rejoint: 09/15/2011

For anyone wondering what to do now with their Xbox and Kinect this is helpful for the Kinect

leny@trisquel:~$ apt-cache search kinect
freenect - library for accessing Kinect USB camera -- meta package
libfreenect-demos - library for accessing Kinect USB camera -- demonstrations
libfreenect-dev - library for accessing Kinect USB camera -- development files
libfreenect0.0 - library for accessing Kinect USB camera
mrpt-apps - Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit - Console and GUI applications
python-freenect - library for accessing Kinect USB camera -- Python bindings

And this page is useful for the Xbox itself

As you'll know from the disks that come with magazines, the game disks themselves make great coasters.

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A rejoint: 02/03/2013

Oh, man, most of those parts remind me of the N-in-One electronics kits I played with as a kid.

The Kinect itself can be hacked with on a GNU/Linux box? I have no idea how to get the plug to fit into a computer-hole!


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A rejoint: 09/15/2011

"The Kinect itself can be hacked with on a GNU/Linux box? I have no
idea how to get the plug to fit into a computer-hole!"

At least some of them have a USB connector that will plug into a
GNU/Linux box even better[1] than the Xbox.

[1] I.e. in a freedom respecting mannner

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A rejoint: 02/03/2013

Thinking back on it, mine might have had a standard USB connector. I had better take a look and find out.

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A rejoint: 01/04/2012

At least my XBox 360 sports a standard USB port (or multiple standard USB ports to be specific). There should be no modification required for attaching the Kinect sensor to a standard PC. Only the old XBox had "special" connectors although everything was standard PC technology.

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A rejoint: 05/15/2011

Here's an interesting commentary on it: