ENIGMA/LateralGM causes OpenJDK to crash

Catégorie:Rapporter un bogue
Attribué:Non assigné

ENIGMA is a free/libre Game Maker compiler, and LateralGM is a free/libre Game Maker IDE in Java. Unfortunately, when LateralGM tries to use ENIGMA to compile something on Trisquel 6, OpenJDK crashes. A log file is created, and it suggests reporting it on Ubuntu's bugtracker. (Also happens with OpenJDK 7.)

To reproduce:

Download and set up the latest version of ENIGMA from its Git repository: http://enigma-dev.org/docs/Wiki/Install:Git

Run LateralGM by executing from the ENIGMA directory: java -jar lateralgm.jar

Open this file with LateralGM: http://www1.datafilehost.com/d/98f24ae5

(This file contains copyrighted art assets, so it might not be the best example, but it's the only file I've tested. It might produce compiling errors from ENIGMA, but that's normal.)

Press the "run" button in the top-left (looks like a green arrow), and it will start compiling. At some point during this process, Java and LateralGM crash, producing a log file like this:


I can't tell if this is a Trisquel bug, an upstream (Ubuntu) bug, or a LateralGM bug.

sam, 11/30/2013 - 02:41
Statut:active» wrong

It's a problem on ENIGMA's end (complicated, not something to go into here).