Epiphany gets installed and set as default browser on netinstall

Catégorie:Rapporter un bogue
Attribué:Non assigné

I've installed several machines using netinstall, and i have found that Epiphany gets installed on the GNOME Desktop and is set as default browser.

I mean, epiphany is the GNOME default browser, but Trisquel's default is Abrowser.

So i think that this qualifies as a bug, can't confirm it happens when installing by LiveCD.

lun, 01/13/2014 - 21:36

It doesn't happen when installing from the Live CD, because I don't even have Epiphany.

mar, 05/13/2014 - 09:36

Even when removing the package
sudo apt-get remove epiphany-browser

Its menu won't get removed from the Internet menu.

You need to manually delete the file
to remove.

Looks like the epiphany.desktop won't be removed since the file is part of the epiphany-browser-data package and not the browser itself. Maybe self removing the data package will do it.