Projet: | Trisquel mini |
Version: | 7.0 |
Composant: | Code |
Catégorie: | Rapporter un bogue |
Priorité: | normal |
Attribué: | Non assigné |
Statut: | closed |
Using trisquel-mini_7.0-20140831_amd64.iso to install. After installing as English(UK) Trisquel Mini's console keyboard is not configured correctly it's still and English(US) definiton.
The X keyboard is configured correctly, however, Trisquel Mini should also configure the console keyboard correctly 'out of the box.'
The bypass is to install package console-data, configure ones keyboard on its install. Then do
sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
sudo /etc/init.d/ restart
This was fixed when I did another Trisquel Mini 7.0 install with 'Download updates while installing' ticked yesterday.
Closing Fixed.