abrowser - "Adobe Acrobat Document" -> "PDF Document"

Catégorie:Demande d'amélioration
Attribué:Non assigné
Statut:can't reproduce

Ao salvar um arquivo PDF desde o navegador, o formato é reconhecido como "Adobe Acrobat Document".
A minha proposta é substituir esta descrição por "PDF Document".

sam, 10/27/2012 - 17:17
Statut:active» needs more info

Marking as "needs more info":

I can't reproduce. When I try to download (on trisquel 5.5) it says PDF document. Could you please provide more specific steps to reproduce?

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Screenshot at 2012-10-27 09:16:44.png 25.26 Ko
jeu, 06/25/2015 - 22:46
Statut:needs more info» can't reproduce

I couldn't reproduce this either. Considering the amount of time that has passed since this issue was first reported, I'm marking this bug as "can't reproduce."