Log in Problem

Catégorie:Demande d'aide
Attribué:Non assigné

I can't get past the log in page. I put in my password and it always returns to log in.
I have studied the very informative:
https://trisquel.info/en/forum/help-needed-cannot-log-trisquel-after-external-harddisk-not-ejected-properly and
But no luck.

I have a months-old Taurinus with Libiquity. I'm not a great hacker. Is Libiquity beyond the info provided in the above links? I can't get to a terminal. I can get to a Guest terminal but not to a root terminal.

I get some grub options at the Libiquity-entry page, most of which go nowhere. I can get to:


What next?

Additionally, I lost my wireless ability along the way and now I'm "wired required". How is that recovered?

Lastly, I'm curious. Any (brief, offhand) ideas on how this happened? Could it have been some internet leach I picked up on my earlier web session? Should I wear a mask?

Ever a Novice who knows too much.
[I'll be sending some membership money in a few weeks.]
Be back later.

sam, 08/22/2020 - 21:26

Embarrassed by my questions once again:
I went out for a few hours and let the "engine" cool. When I came back I had sporadic log in success in a dozen tries using a couple of techniques: changing Gnome and Trisquel at sign in, and using, sometimes, the shift key while pressing enter at password. It occurred to me that this morning I had changed the bottom panel stripe from default to a color. That was the straw that broke the software's back. I changed the panel back to default and everything's ok. Got the wireless back, too. Thanks for being there and not taking time to write any replies.

mer, 09/09/2020 - 15:56
Statut:active» closed

You're welcome. You will probably get faster support for problems like this from the forum than the devs.