Translations organization

Attribué:Non assigné

I saw that the organization here is not very good...
I'm talking about the translators, I don't know if also with developers there are problems.
I'm working also for the tranlations of pages in italian, but there the organization is very different! We have a project on Savannah with the list of all the work to be done, the work done, who is doing some translations... There are men who talk with the webmasters of and other like that.
Here I found a mailing list for translators empty (only 4 people with me), problems with contacting the italian translators, problem for founding quidam online, the others italian translators work only sending emails one to one...

I think that if we really care about Trisquel and about freedom we have to do better the work that has to be done.

I wrote here for explain my thought... I don't know if it will be more useful to have a group on savannah or something here, but I think we need some tools!

P.S. I'm not trying to be offensive, I just care about freedom =)

lun, 02/13/2012 - 03:21

It is true that we need to revamp the translation project, which by now requires too much admin help for the volunteers to be able to help. I'm not sure the solution is making a more defined coordination, but to allow anyone to contribute without the need of a supervisor whenever that is possible, to get a more horizontal organization. We can achieve this by improving the work tools and the documentation. That's what we have been doing lately with the development part (sending code and patching packages is now incredibly easy), and that's what today I started to do with the translation services too.

I have made some changes to the menus to make them language independent, and I've also modified the download page to make it fully translatable (all lines are now system strings managed by the t() drupal function). I'll do the same to any other pages which are not nodes.

On top of that I have installed a string translation utility (drupal's l10n_client), which is now shown to any user with the translator role. This tool allows to rapidly translate any string in the site which is not the content of a node (nodes are news, wiki entries, faq entries, and so on), like the drupal interface strings or any other short phrase placed outside of a node.

Tomorrow I will set an script to automatically add all users in the translation role to the translation mailing list, and send this text there too.
I'll publish a front page article as soon as the new improvements are tested and all the site is effectively translatable without admin intervention, to allow for more languages to be added easily.

lun, 02/13/2012 - 03:22
Titre:Lack of organization» Translations organization
lun, 02/13/2012 - 12:15

Ok, the horizontal organization is good, but I think we need a place where write the work done, the work to do and the work which is in translation, do you understand? It's not for a vertical organization, but for coordinate the contributors. It's very bad if two or three peoples are translating in the same time one article. =(
I think also that if there are substantial changes in an article in the wiki a tool must send a message to translators, so they can know if a page's translation is to update.
There are little changes to do but the work will be faster, easier and better =)

lun, 02/13/2012 - 17:21

It's very bad if two or three peoples are translating in the same time one article. =(
If only...

ven, 03/30/2012 - 18:01

I was thinking about this. I think it might not be a bad idea to:

1) Setup a email address forwarding for something like name at domain
2) Place someone (ideally someone who has been translating for a while) in charge and have the email forward to their address. If this person was to ever leave the project we can re-direct the email address to another member.
3) Have them in charge of adding new languages and acting as a go between for translators and devs

Basically people would contact the email who are interested in adding new languages.

Ideally this person would NOT be quidam. That way it is one less thing for him to have to worry about. That way the translation part of Trisquel would be more like a separate self-maintained project so quidam can focus on working on the distro and not worry about translation so much.

ven, 03/30/2012 - 20:40
Catégorie:Demande d'aide» Tâche
Statut:active» needs more info

I'm totally agree with SirGrant.
And also, I'm conscious that I'm not the optimal personal to adopt that rol.
Even so, if nobody else applies for this hypothetical position, I'm available.

In any case, I hope that anyone with better acknowledge of the Trisquel Translation Platform could take the challenge :)

PS: I'm gonna post/reproduce this thread on Trisquel-Translations

jeu, 08/16/2012 - 01:37
Statut:needs more info» active

Any updates on this? I am re-activating this issue.

dim, 01/19/2014 - 16:27

There's also lack of information for the translators and those who want to become translators. I don't how to become a translator since "website translations" page doesn't offer such information (information that would work). I've added to the mailing list but never receive any email. There's no information on how to translate software, etc. You know what I mean.

sam, 07/31/2021 - 12:32

I know this is a prehistoric-old issue, however I want to ask if there's any progress on it. I would like to start translating website to Polish, however I have no idea where to start and how to do it. Is there any platform you are using for translating? How is it done in Trisquel project?