[GFSD Issue] Removal of packages only useful with non-free software (bnetd, pvpgn)

Catégorie:Rapporter un bogue

Description: According to the LibrePlanet wikipage: List of software that does not respect the Free System Distribution Guidelines we should consider removal of two packages from the repository. We should consider removing the packages:

These two packages emulate Blizzard Entertainment's battle.net service which is an online multi-player gaming service. However, all of Blizzard Entertainment's games are proprietary so packages like this have no use to free software users and hosting servers that are only useable by non-free software encourges its use. Thus I recomend these two packages for removal.

mar, 10/30/2012 - 18:47
Titre:Removal of package only useful with non-free software (bnetd, pvpgn)» R[GFSD Issue] Removal of packages only useful with non-free software (bnetd, pvpgn)
mar, 10/30/2012 - 18:49
Titre:R[GFSD Issue] Removal of packages only useful with non-free software (bnetd, pvpgn)» [GFSD Issue] Removal of packages only useful with non-free software (bnetd, pvpgn)
lun, 11/05/2012 - 20:05
Assigné à:anonymous» upstream

Marked as assigned to upstream:

bnetd removed upstream in Debian and we are currently trying to get pvpgn moved to Ubuntu's multiverse (non-free) repo so that our filters will automatically remove it.

mer, 02/06/2013 - 19:47
Priorité:critical» blocking
jeu, 01/08/2015 - 04:04
Statut:active» patch (ready)

Merge request created here

jeu, 01/08/2015 - 18:25
Statut:patch (ready)» fixed

Both removed

jeu, 01/22/2015 - 18:30
Statut:fixed» closed

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.