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Summary: Package konqueror advises the user to install nonfree programs.
Versions Used:
Steps to reproduce:
Still present in 12/1/12 version of 6.0
This forum post
Points to the fact that this is fixed in Parabola and gives links to diffs. What is needed now is the helper writing.
Helper file for kde-baseapps:
Helper file for kde4libs:
Package Konqueror needs to be removed from the repositories because of the aforementioned reason. It hasn't been fixed yet even in the current version, so still can be installed through a simple apt-get command.
I can't reproduce this on Triskel 8.0. Could someone please post a current link to a website which provokes the error.
Trisquel 8.0 support ended in April 2021. Please open a new issue in case it remains on the current supported release.
Still present in 12/1/12 version of 6.0
This forum post
Points to the fact that this is fixed in Parabola and gives links to diffs. What is needed now is the helper writing.
Helper file for kde-baseapps:
Helper file for kde4libs:
Package Konqueror needs to be removed from the repositories because of the aforementioned reason. It hasn't been fixed yet even in the current version, so still can be installed through a simple apt-get command.
I can't reproduce this on Triskel 8.0. Could someone please post a current link to a website which provokes the error.
Trisquel 8.0 support ended in April 2021.
Please open a new issue in case it remains on the current supported release.