Non free images in packages and default install, plus flashblock

Catégorie:Rapporter un bogue
Attribué:Non assigné

Package kde-icons-oxygen (/usr/share/icons/oxygen) contains AIM, Netscape, Realplayer and StarOffice logos(SVG versions:aim.svgz, netscape.svgz, realplayer.svgz, staroffice.svgz), so does /usr/share/icons/default.kde4/scalable/apps (same names) which may be from the same package.

/usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable/apps, likely from gnome-icon-theme, contains an AIM logo (im-aim.svg) that is very similar to the original (comparison at Package trisquel-icon-theme(/usr/share/icons/trisquel/scalable/apps) contains logos for Adobe Acrobat Reader (AdobeReader.svg, abobe-reader.svg) which are probably far enough from the original, but shouldn't be there since the program is proprietary. The same file also contains a nvidia like logo (nvidia-settings.svg), probably for configuration of the graphics card driver blobs. The file also has the same AIM logo as the gnome package (im-aim.svg)
From the same package in /usr/share/icons/trisquel/48x48/apps, there are three Firefox like logos (Firefox.png, Firefox-icon.png, Firefox-icon-unbranded.png)

The Bluetooth logos use seems to be problematic, as both [ Wikipedia] and [ Bluetooth SIG] claim the logo is non-free. Ignoring lower resolution versions, it can be found at: /usr/share/icons/default.kde4/128x128/apps/preferences-system-bluetooth.png, /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/Bluetooth.svg (package hicolor-icon-theme), /usr/share/icons/oxygen/128x128/apps/preferences-system-bluetooth.png, /usr/share/icons/trisquel/scalable/apps/blueradio.svg, /usr/share/icons/trisquel/scalable/apps/blueradio-48.svg, /usr/share/icons/trisquel/scalable/apps/bluetooth.svg, /usr/share/icons/trisquel/scalable/apps/bluetoothradio.svg

The package hplip-data includes a copy of the HP logo at /usr/share/hplip/data/images/other/hp-tux-printer.png, /usr/share/hplip/data/images/48x48/prog.png, and /usr/share/hplip/data/images/32x32/support.png.

jeu, 12/31/2009 - 02:12

As you can read in the Guidelines for Free Distributions [], trademarked logos can be included as long as removing or replacing them does not break the program.

In any case, I agree that we can remove the unused ones, like the hp, nvidia, acrobat, firefox, and such, as they are not in use. The icon package was made with a script and it includes a lot of unused stuff.
We will keep the aim and bluetooth ones, as they are in use.

About the legal issues, the wikipedia states that usage of low res copyrighted logos should qualify as fair use. Also, simple geometric shapes and text do not meet the threshold of originality needed for copyright protection, and are therefore public domain.

What's with flashblock? (please fill another issue if needed)

mar, 03/09/2010 - 22:13
Statut:active» closed

Fixed in trisquel-icons_3.5