
TypePostAuteursRéponsesDernière mise à jour
Forum TopicMicrosoft co-founder and patent troll Paul Allen passes away aloniv9Il y a 6 années 8 semaines
Forum TopicEU fines Google so Google starts charging Europe for play store aloniv7Il y a 6 années 8 semaines
Forum TopicHDMI Intel Graphics Help dialectician4Il y a 6 années 8 semaines
Forum TopicMinifree now selling libre routers with libreCMC preinstalled :) libreleah5Il y a 6 années 9 semaines
Forum TopicWhat is your favourite login manager? gd_scania17Il y a 6 années 9 semaines
Forum TopicProper audio servers for this card? gd_scania3Il y a 6 années 10 semaines
Forum TopicFree software office suites smaller than LibreOffice? gd_scania21Il y a 6 années 10 semaines
Forum Topichow hard is it to change init... automatically remixing trisquel live freemedia30Il y a 6 années 10 semaines
Forum TopicLibreCMC version 1.4.5 released aloniv2Il y a 6 années 10 semaines
Forum Topicconnesct to network (wifi) with Lenovo ThinkPad e504 kavehrs4Il y a 6 années 10 semaines
Forum Topica conversation i had this week with a former dell employee freemedia8Il y a 6 années 11 semaines
Forum TopicLinux-libre on ARM jxself6Il y a 6 années 11 semaines
Forum TopicDisplay issue (probably font rendering) on Abroswer Pandya15Il y a 6 années 11 semaines
Forum TopicRecord a voice chat from Discord andrewandmelissao5Il y a 6 années 11 semaines
Forum TopicSourceForge, GitLab, Not-a-bug, BitBucket, GNU+Savannah, FramaGit ... free software friendly Git services else? gd_scania1Il y a 6 années 11 semaines
Forum TopicThoughts on Linus's Recent Departure from Linux? Goop8Il y a 6 années 12 semaines
Forum TopicLinus takes a look at mirror, admits hostile comments alienate loldier11Il y a 6 années 12 semaines
Forum TopicDon't Kill Our Community jxself11Il y a 6 années 13 semaines
Forum TopicWinFF for Rockbox : file size doubled hack and hack3Il y a 6 années 13 semaines
Forum Topiccan't boot, problem possibly hard drive chaosmonk4Il y a 6 années 13 semaines
Forum TopicRequest regarding Tardsplaya (Watch Twitch streams via external media player) Zero3K8Il y a 6 années 13 semaines
Forum TopicNational flag in the bottom panel Piriponzolo2Il y a 6 années 14 semaines
Forum TopicTrisquel 8 install didn't detect my monitor, gave wrong resolution. BuckO'Bryan26Il y a 6 années 14 semaines
Forum TopicFSDG and pip chaosmonk17Il y a 6 années 14 semaines
Forum TopicLocal Organization's Database Project hartkemd4Il y a 6 années 15 semaines