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TicketPackage "menu" is unavailable Legimet5Il y a 10 années 23 semaines
Forum TopicFront end for qrencode ssdclickofdeath24Il y a 10 années 39 semaines
Forum Topicmaps program muhammed24Il y a 10 années 42 semaines
Forum TopicYour thoughts on Firefox to have ads in the browser t3g67Il y a 10 années 49 semaines
Forum TopicHTPC Controlled By Gamepad - Home/Launcher Button EricxDu14Il y a 10 années 50 semaines
Forum Topiceth0 connected but network manager icon shows no network MrMaui762Il y a 10 années 52 semaines
Forum TopicTrouble installing with full disk encryption Tarkawara3Il y a 11 années 1 semaine
Forum TopicInstalling packages without internet connection Triskel7Il y a 11 années 1 semaine
Forum TopicA few simple questions Alexandr_Ushakov43Il y a 11 années 2 semaines
Forum TopicWhat's the point of a firewall? elodie14Il y a 11 années 2 semaines
Forum TopicDisplay Resolution Problem on Toshiba Sat L830 j15Il y a 11 années 3 semaines
Forum TopicStartup Disk Creator fail: An uncaught exception was raised: Invalid version string 'GNU/Linux' sec3Il y a 11 années 3 semaines
Forum TopicDowngrade installed software to the versions available remotely? onpon43Il y a 11 années 3 semaines
Forum TopicHow to remove my swap partition quantumgravity9Il y a 11 années 3 semaines
Forum TopicDisabling services that are controlled by upstart jobs? Dave_Hunt3Il y a 11 années 3 semaines
Forum TopicHow to make nitrogen load a wallpaper on startup silently quantumgravity10Il y a 11 années 3 semaines
Forum TopicMigration from Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis) kesavan49Il y a 11 années 3 semaines
Forum TopicNeed advice about wireless spyfall25Il y a 11 années 4 semaines
Forum TopicWhat is the 'Add/Remove Applications' program named? sebelius4Il y a 11 années 4 semaines
Forum TopicWebbased chat/phone software I can host myself? quantumgravity13Il y a 11 années 4 semaines
Forum Topicsecuring trisquel cmhobbs15Il y a 11 années 5 semaines
Forum TopicConsidering Trisquel. I Have Questions Smallwheels14Il y a 11 années 5 semaines
Forum TopicVLC Media Player - free or not? Ronald6Il y a 11 années 5 semaines
Forum TopicFirewall in Trisquel? Ronald46Il y a 11 années 5 semaines
Forum Topiccloud Spinoza5Il y a 11 années 5 semaines