
Membri associati

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FSF Member #12592,

Ritratto di jamathis

Australian (NW Tasmania)
GNU/Linux user on and off since 2007.
Trisquel as primary OS since April 2013.
Technical writer (of non-IT) by day.
Keen to:
*contact others who are software-freedom-minded, especially Australians;
*learn basic hacking in GNU/Linux;
*introduce others to the benefits of free software and
*help them adopt free software as painlessly as possible.
Feel free to contact me; I hope I can give something back to the community.

Ritratto di kanga555

[FSF Associate Member]

Ritratto di TonyH

Public apology: There isn't one. There can't be. I wish there could, but I don't speak your language.

Ritratto di Heather

hola trisqueleros... todo comenzo con mis ganas de experimentar algo nuevo y opte por tirar mi viejo win... e instale ubuntu... mi adicción comenzo... ahora finalmente me siento ubicado con trisquel... me gusta demasiado... hace 1 mes nacio mi hijo... lo he nombrado DEBIAN... mi mujer casi me mata cuando le dije de donde saque el nombre... espero pronto saber de ustedes y hacerme participe de el gran proyecto GNU... saludos desde mexico. DF.

Ritratto di mariux

I am a 29 year old free software enthusiast, Developer at CircleCI, US Navy veteran, and musician. I have been using GNU/Linux since 2003 and saw the light in the middle of 2010 when I switched to Trisquel. :)

I have a website and blog that I regularly update here.

Ritratto di levlaz
Ritratto di sedution
Ritratto di miroslav
Ritratto di rodgerfox
Ritratto di gusum
Ritratto di lloydsmart

I am a Graduate Student in CS dept at Montana State University. I am a free software associate member and a hacktivist
[FSF Associate Member]

Ritratto di srinivasgumdelli
Ritratto di GustavoCM

FSF Member, finally got around to checking out the two year old version of Trisquel they sent me...impressed but bewildered why I hadn't really heard anything about it before. You'd think I'd be up on this kind of stuff after 24 years of doing this. Well, you have a new member and I look forward to what you have in store.

Ritratto di rmobasseri

Hi, my name is Stephen, ironically everyone calls me Tux; that's because everyone knows I prefer Linux over anything else! :-)

Ritratto di hypertux
Ritratto di anatom

Computer Science PhD student at the University of Utah School of Computing

Ritratto di mdim
Ritratto di theblackpig
Ritratto di Goldstream

Ritratto di yrk

I have been a Gnu/Linux user since the 1990's. My main distribution all those years was Slackware/Gnu/Linux. Nevertheless, I value freedom and this is the reason I now place my focus on using a completely free desktop such as Trisquel. I tip my hat to the Trisquel project, the FSF, the EFF, and to the many others who fight to liberate software.

Best regards

Ritratto di trillobyte

Profession : Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology
Projects : h-node

Ritratto di lammi87
Mauro Green

I am the owner and creator of a small independent company specializing in mini pc assembling low energy impact and priority use of Free Software and Open Source.
We install only GNU Linux operating systems, the default distro Trisquel 5.5

Sono il titolare e ideatore di una piccola ditta individuale specializzata in assemblaggio mini pc a basso impatto energetico e con utilizzo prioritario di Software Libero e Open Source.
Installiamo solo sistemi operativi Gnu Linux, distro di default Trisquel 5.5

Ritratto di Mauro Green
Ritratto di EugeniaBahit
Ritratto di systemovich

Developer and believer in free (as in freedom) software. Paranoid about Big Brother watching, and a technophile who is prone to spats of Ludite-ness. His primary interests are working on embedded systems and network enabled devices.
[FSF Associate Member]

Ritratto di zwick

Free software FTW!

[FSF Associate Member]

Ritratto di 0b0bby0
Ritratto di ashutoshmohan

Linux devotee, programmer/engineer, geek, and lover of all things tech... past and present.

[FSF Associate Member]

Ritratto di w5xtl

ESL teacher / open format advocate

Ritratto di SilverSlimer

What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Ritratto di ahj
Ritratto di Pilongi
Pablo G

Usuario de GNU/linux desde hace tiempo. Aficionado a la informática.

Ritratto di Pablo G

I am a software engineer living in the US. I am an FSF member and GNU/Linux user of many years!
[FSF Associate Member]

Ritratto di CaptBobo

Cogito Ergo Sum

Ritratto di Lemuriano
Ritratto di alex
Ritratto di Hdabeuliou

You can't really dust for vomit.

Ritratto di libredrs
Ritratto di BlinkingArrow

please delete this account

Ritratto di akifo

I'm a programmer, coffeinist and a free software enthusiast. And I'm learning to play chess.

Ritratto di johan
Winston C. Yang
Ritratto di Winston C. Yang


Romanian free software activist and developer.

Founder and president of Fundația Ceata (

Founder and director of Technoethical store (

Ritratto di tct

[FSF Associate Member]

Ritratto di Bazzy

I am a 23 year old Chemistry student in Cincinnati, OH.

I spent 5 years in the Navy
I speak Russian and moved to the US in 1994 from Azerbaijan
I love computers, technology, and GNU/Linux

Ritratto di levl

I made the audio tour of this distro. They need to be redone; the site on which they were stored is no more. Also, they're out of date. Can't update contact form, so, here's the info, here. Email: name at domain Mastodon: name at domain

Ritratto di Dave_Hunt

Andrew'Leny' Lindley

Retired techie enby survivor. Knows enough about testing and coding to help out with betas and the odd package helper. Into reading, indie and related music, TTRPG, and sketching.

Ritratto di leny2010
Ritratto di musial
Ritratto di tsneddon

I'm old enough to remember free software near the beginning, having gotten my first computer in 1979. Back then "free software" was just called "software". I remember the books and magazines full of shared code. I even modified and combined this source to produce things for my own use.

As an adult, I reclaimed my heritage back in the 90's with GNU/Linux. Now it's time to change the world.

Ritratto di kokomo_joe

Utenti registrati