pidgin can't open links send in a conversation
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Hello every one:
For some reason I can't open links present on a conversation in pidgin. Using pidgin -d in terminal, the following message is shown:
executing xdg-open (async)
But nothing happens.
I have run xdg-open next to a url in terminal and it opens fine.
Trying to specified manually the URL of the abrowser binary (/usr/bin/abrowser) in pidgins preferences returns the following message:
Failed to execute child process "abrowser" (Permission denied)
¿Any one that could help me?
P.S. I found a page that mentioned something about a program called firejail that may be causing the problem but I don't think I have it installed. I couldn't find a directory with name firejail in .config and I don't thing trisquel has it installed by default does it?
Thank you.