Revisione di Formatting on the Trisquel forum del Lun, 08/05/2024 - 05:46

Le revisioni permettono di tenere traccia delle differenze tra le diverse versioni di un contenuto.

Besides plaintext we can use some HTML markup on the Trisquel forums. The following tags can be used (among others): <img> <a> <em> <strong> <code> <strike>.

Elements may have attributes, some mandatory, some optional. Note that you can combine elements by nesting them. Examples follow.


This tag is used to embed pictures. Attributes: alt, title
<img src="" alt="Instead" title="Mouseover1">


This tag is used to link text to a URL. (Plain URLs themselves will make a link too here.) Attributes: title
<a href="" title="Mouseover2">Donate here</a>
Donate here


This tag is used to emphasize text. (usually italics)
You <em>really</em> need to focus
You really need to focus


This tag is used to strongly emphasize text (usually bold)
Trisquel is a <strong>great</strong> distro
Trisquel is a great distro


This tag is used to make a cute yellow box
<code>head /proc/{cpuinfo,meminfo}</code>
head /proc/{cpuinfo,meminfo}


This tag is used to strike over text
<strike>This requires a blob.</strike> It's been liberated!
This requires a blob. It's been liberated!


10/12/2015 - 08:56
08/05/2024 - 05:46