Inviato da SirGrant il Mar, 01/08/2013 - 18:28
Revisione di 2012-12-18 Meeting del Mar, 01/08/2013 - 18:28
Le revisioni permettono di tenere traccia delle differenze tra le diverse versioni di un contenuto.
IRC log file is attached.
AGENDA:Meeting: purpose, calendar Tasks:
- Development - Comunity - Documentation - Support - Translation - Events - SpreadingFunds:
- Needs and usage - Travel expenses MINUTES:Meetings:
Schedule: weekly, at #trisquel-dev (with minute-taking bot), 17:00UTC
Purpose:revamping the projectDevelopment:
We'll be installing a gitorious instance or similar system, so hackers will be able to join, clone and commit without permission, and then make merge requests
Short sighted goal: Making the release happen:
First of all: Find out the required tasks and the corresponding skills necessary to accomplish theses tasks.
Get volunteer involved.
Blocker: closing the freedom issues at
Reduce Quidam's load, for instance on the website manteinance
Let's try to make the website and the distro simpler
For the website, we can disable or remove unused sections
Separate Upstream(Ubuntu -1, which is still maintained) issues from Trisquel specific issues...
Point of improvement: a simpler, more friendly download page
We could separate the system issues from the main website
Use the ticket system in a system like gitlabhq
For the distro, we could lower the priority of secondary editions, or drop(also known as "looking for volounteer") them altogetherFunds:
We're still not able to hire developers
The only spending so far has been for the USB keys sent to associate members
We've got around 11.000€
One of the ideas for spending money is travelling expenses to attend relevant events
Of course, online actions are cheaper:
We can try some fundraising platform which runs on fully-free software
Starting some independent campaign could also work
Quidam can ask the FSF to run a campaign with us, maybe after LibrePlanet or trough IRC( like by contacting FSF's executive trough IRC).
Finding partners is obviously useful, but we have to be as cautious as ever
We could find use to a PR manager, it's an aspect that we've been weak at in the pastACTIONS!:
Come up with a development (code+tickets) environment
Complete the release!
remember blockers: We'll clean problematic packages present in the live-cd and probably temporarily remove those which are not
Clean-up the brainstorming of this meeting, separate it into manageable topics and discuss it at the devel list
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irclog_2012-12-18_trisquel-dev.txt | 31.71 KB |