TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
Forum Topiccomo subrayar en documentos .pdf o .epub Alij138 anni 32 settimane fa
Forum TopicCambio de nombre del foro y rabia. Nuncio Gómez198 anni 33 settimane fa
Forum TopicIs IBM Thinkpad the same as Lenovo Thinkpad? Megver8368 anni 33 settimane fa
Forum TopicAlgunos links interesantes Nuncio Gómez68 anni 33 settimane fa
Forum TopicUbuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status? t3g318 anni 33 settimane fa
Forum TopicAsus A68HM-PLUS review rudolfsindelar38 anni 33 settimane fa
Forum Topicnano leve gnu alimiracle38 anni 33 settimane fa
Forum TopicNetinsall, tty, apt-get update not working hack and hack528 anni 34 settimane fa
Forum TopicInformation about publishing my project. a_slacker_here118 anni 34 settimane fa
Forum TopicRevisit: Brazilian bank online access ADFENO28 anni 34 settimane fa
Forum TopicFree and Open Google Hangouts/ Skype Alternative? davidpgil148 anni 34 settimane fa
Forum TopicCannot see all the install files on a CD pragmatist348 anni 35 settimane fa
Forum TopicWindows 7 and 8 users are starting to disable Windows Update entirely. Yikes. t3g248 anni 35 settimane fa
Forum TopicProblem with Editing PDF Files and Renaming Files in Nautilus 0d54770d148 anni 35 settimane fa
Forum TopicHow to adjust brightness in Trisquel mini Anandawardhana168 anni 35 settimane fa
Forum TopicCompatibility for ThinkPad T500 2055 CentaurX0058 anni 36 settimane fa
Forum TopicHow to translate sentences Alejandro Hernández298 anni 36 settimane fa
Forum TopicTrisquel installation - Checking Alejandro Hernández118 anni 36 settimane fa
Forum TopicUnable to send attachments through Ice Dove Trisk Spellian128 anni 37 settimane fa
Forum TopicPartioning issue, duel boot terbytes128 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum Topictrisquel-users-request: your membership has been disabled due to excessive bounces? ADFENO58 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum TopicQuickest and easiest way to rip a DVD straight to .iso oralfloss98 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum TopicZFS now available in Debian. Maybe its time to stop fighting it? t3g98 anni 39 settimane fa
Forum TopicContent sharing in schools Tirifto38 anni 39 settimane fa
Forum TopicManually starting X: virtual terminal switching issue pragmatist98 anni 39 settimane fa