
TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
Forum TopicBeing a System Administrator davidpgil77 anni 37 settimane fa
Forum TopicUnknown parallel universe uses Debian SuperTramp83447 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum TopicDiferencia "libertario" y "liberal" Megver83137 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum TopicGreatness of Microsoft software and consequenses to our modern world Jodiendo17 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum TopicTor exit node operator and active Debian contributor arrested in Russia. SuperTramp8357 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum TopicFirst development alpha iso images of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" quidam457 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum TopicConsequesences of bad software and governmentactions and influence Jodiendo07 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum Topicmicrosoft against surveillance, they say tonlee127 anni 38 settimane fa
Forum TopicLatest taste of distributions I try..... Jodiendo67 anni 39 settimane fa
Forum TopicDebuan for trisquel Jodiendo217 anni 39 settimane fa
Forum TopicSpying in mobile phones. 8bitDev27 anni 39 settimane fa
Forum TopicIt's 'lulz time' with Pottering, the guy that is (not so) slowly transforming your GNU/Linux distro into Systemd/Pottering.. SuperTramp8397 anni 40 settimane fa
Forum TopicArrested for filming : CEO of ThinkPenguin, Inc arrested for filming police : faces up to year in prison Chris377 anni 40 settimane fa
Forum TopicPrivacy US law now allows collecting data without consent nevermoreraven97 anni 40 settimane fa
Forum TopicBulletin Boards loldier47 anni 43 settimane fa
Forum TopicVideo of the Day loldier27 anni 43 settimane fa
Forum TopicRebuilding Mosul's libraries book by book Alij17 anni 43 settimane fa
Forum TopicSo hard to stay quiet... Ignacio.Agullo27 anni 43 settimane fa
Forum TopicInternet privacy data , matters Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunications Services,” Jodiendo07 anni 43 settimane fa
Forum TopicDestroy the world for a freedom (if countries infringe on human rights) Legimet287 anni 44 settimane fa
Forum TopicDoes your rejection of proprietary software and mass surveillance create issues in your family life? stallman_was_right447 anni 44 settimane fa
Forum TopicThe Lunar Storage Platform for Precious Metals Jodiendo07 anni 44 settimane fa
Forum TopicCan anime (manga, etc) be free? Are there any free anime (manga, etc)? anonymous147 anni 45 settimane fa
Forum TopicDestroy Internet for a freedom (if main providers run non-free software)? anonymous367 anni 46 settimane fa
Forum TopicConnection Cut: Vietnam’s Internet Users in the Dark Over Undersea Cable Repairs Jodiendo27 anni 47 settimane fa