
TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
Forum TopicHow can I get reported Abrowser issues looked at? koszkonutek22 anni 51 settimane fa
ProblemaAbrowser refuses to install unsigned addons, even after toggling the right flag in about:config koszkonutek22 anni 51 settimane fa
ProblemaAbrowser by default stops extensions from running on Mozilla domains koszkonutek13 anni 4 giorni fa
Forum TopicMini-computer Avron103 anni 1 settimana fa
Forum TopicFirewalld icon missing in trisQuel 10 panel .. Stallman rules33 anni 2 settimane fa
Forum TopicAre Raspberry Pies free? riveri223 anni 3 settimane fa
Forum TopicState of Web Browsers on Debian PublicLewdness723 anni 3 settimane fa
Forum Topicinstalling system on nonlibreboot computer such that it works on libreboot computer tonlee113 anni 3 settimane fa
Forum TopicLibreboot discusses Binary Blob Policy Lef363 anni 3 settimane fa
Forum TopicIn which Reddit is sure the FSF does nothing Lef423 anni 4 settimane fa
Forum Topicyewtub-er Brodie Robertson takes on the FSF over microcode andyprough83 anni 4 settimane fa
Forum TopicCanon printers reject Canon ink cartridges that were distributed without chips muhammed163 anni 6 settimane fa
Forum TopicIs my ISP messing with my LibreCMC router? jaerki13 anni 8 settimane fa
Forum TopicFree email providers being banned by Gmail - Alternatives? GNUser523 anni 9 settimane fa
Forum TopicLibre blogging software recommendations? koszkonutek23 anni 13 settimane fa
Forum TopicHyperbola 0.4 running ungoogled-chromium, luakit, and icecat browsers andyprough93 anni 14 settimane fa
Forum TopicAnnouncing Haketilo 0.1 (first release)! + A Favor jahoti73 anni 22 settimane fa
Forum TopicGoogle Drive frontend Majin Buu23 anni 26 settimane fa
Forum Topicyour comment on flatpak, snap and appimage? tonlee143 anni 29 settimane fa
Forum TopicWhich js-encumbered sites to fix in the first place koszkonutek313 anni 29 settimane fa
Forum TopicForgot which mail address signed up with my NotABug account gd_scania13 anni 30 settimane fa
Forum TopicBuild a Debian/Trisquel desktop, too nadebula.198453 anni 31 settimane fa
Forum TopicLanguage setting on Replicant - installing F-Droid via Trisqeul panties63 anni 32 settimane fa
Forum TopicEnsuring the success of free software anonymous203 anni 35 settimane fa
Forum TopicReturn of the revenge of javascript once again koszkonutek33 anni 35 settimane fa