Michał Masłowski

TipoContenutoAutoreRisposteUltimo aggiornamento
Forum TopicAnyone interested on a Trisquel Gnu/Linux Forum Android application ? aliasbody5912 anni 20 settimane fa
Forum Topichow do I set a global PATH? anatom612 anni 20 settimane fa
Forum TopicTrisquel funds tct2612 anni 20 settimane fa
Forum TopicHi newbie questions. tux11112312 anni 20 settimane fa
Forum TopicTrisquel LTS status tct3712 anni 20 settimane fa
Forum TopicNew Trisquel user having problems outputting my max resolution. unslaved291012 anni 20 settimane fa
Forum TopicAndroid development the right way Jayn412 anni 21 settimane fa
Forum TopicGood replacement to Intel Wireless Pro 5100AGN aliasbody1812 anni 21 settimane fa
Forum TopicJust a question for all Free Software Users from a Student aliasbody6312 anni 21 settimane fa
Forum TopicNvidia or AMD for Free Software? zombieno7612 anni 21 settimane fa
Forum TopicjQuery 1.8 released with an interesting license change t3g612 anni 22 settimane fa
Forum TopicFlashVideoReplacer development suspended Cyberhawk1912 anni 23 settimane fa
Forum TopicASUS x101ch Resolution issue resolved by Libre-Linux! baptistredbloom312 anni 24 settimane fa
Forum Topicgedit and PGP encryption alternative for Brigantia siglar512 anni 25 settimane fa
Forum TopicIs there a simple command to find out your architecture? lammi872012 anni 25 settimane fa
Forum Topic3D acceleration... obibon812 anni 26 settimane fa
Forum TopicAlmost(!)... Fernando_Negro1012 anni 26 settimane fa
Forum TopicAdobe releases font under SIL license. Have you tried it? t3g812 anni 27 settimane fa
Forum TopicStallman trying to derail Linux adoption once again t3g3612 anni 28 settimane fa
Forum TopicSo many licenses are FSF approved? FreeSoftwareUser112 anni 28 settimane fa
ProblemaUpdate to Kernel 3.3 BoydHAko212 anni 28 settimane fa
Forum TopicWhich version of Ubuntu is trisquel based off of? BoydHAko1612 anni 28 settimane fa
Forum TopicThinkpenguin suggestions/questions aloniv2612 anni 29 settimane fa
Forum TopicNeed something for writing/publishing LaTeX Germ1012 anni 29 settimane fa
Forum TopicFree RAR v3 support in File Roller t3g912 anni 30 settimane fa