Change Screen Resolution to 1440 x 900 widescreen [moved from trisquel-usuarios]

23 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 04/08/2009

Thanks for producing such a great OS. It's very simple and easy to use too. Just what I was looking for. Is there anyone who can tell me how to change the screen resolution to 1440 x 900 to suit my Dell widescreen display? Thanks for your help.


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Beigetreten: 12/22/2004

> Thanks for producing such a great OS. It's very simple and easy to use too. Just what I was looking for. Is there anyone who can tell me how to change the screen resolution to 1440 x 900 to suit my Dell widescreen display? Thanks for your help.

What graphic card and display are you using?

Trisquel-usuarios mailing list
name at domain

Beigetreten: 04/08/2009

Thanks for replying. I'm using an nVidia GeForce 7100 GS graphic card with a Dell E198WFP widescreen monitor. This hardware works fine with the standard drivers in Ubuntu 8.10. It works much better with the nVidia version 177 and 180 proprietary drivers. Although with Trisquel I'm getting a very poor resolution, much worse than standard Ubuntu, it's something like 1024 x 768 or 960 x 600.

Beigetreten: 02/11/2009

I supose that's because Ubuntu uses the standard proprietary drivers to make work the graphics card.

You can install them, but it isn't a good idea if you agree with free software, so it's better to use Ubuntu directly than install them in Trisquel, it isn't the distribution philosophy.

P.D.: Sorry for my bad English :(

Beigetreten: 04/08/2009

Alright thanks for your reply. I think I was wrong, the standard Ubuntu set up gives the same resolution as Trisquel. I thought there might be a way of changing the resolution to 1440 x 900 without installing the proprietary drivers. I don't want to use them at all, I agree with the Trisquel philosophy.

P.S. Your English is good, it's better than my Spanish anyway :)

Beigetreten: 02/11/2009

Hi Dan!

I think I have good news. I have just found this: searching for your problem, it's a reply of an user on the Ubuntu forums, it seems he had the same problem than you. He resolved it configuring manually de Xorg configuration file.

I hope it works for you ;)


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Beigetreten: 12/22/2004

> I think I have good news. I have just found this: searching for your problem, it's a reply of an user on the Ubuntu forums, it seems he had the same problem than you. He resolved it configuring manually de Xorg configuration file.

Interesting, if it works you should also add it to the wiki :)

Trisquel-usuarios mailing list
name at domain

Beigetreten: 02/11/2009

Of course I will do! I'm just waiting for the response.

Beigetreten: 04/08/2009

Thanks for that I'll try the solution and post back here. It might be a while because I'll need to install Trisquel again ..... currently on Ubuntu.

OK I've installed Trisquel now. I have two .conf files in X11 folder. One is named xorg.conf.vesa and other is xorg.conf. Which one do I edit?

Beigetreten: 02/11/2009

The one named "xorg.conf", but before edit it make sure you save a backup copy of your current settings, for example, copy and paste that file and rename it as "xorg.conf.old", then you can make changes on the "xorg.conf" file, if something goes wrong you only have to rename again the "xorg.conf.old" file to "xorg.conf", this process will save you of some problems.

Good luck! ;)

Beigetreten: 04/08/2009

This didn't work for me. I changed the .conf file and the xserver defaulted to safe graphics mode. I did make a backup and restored it, so I'm back to 1024 x 768 now. Oh well, I'm going to try working with this resolution for a while.

Beigetreten: 02/11/2009

Could you attach the configuration file and the "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" to see how did you do your changes?

It would be a great idea to see where's the problem with the help of all the community. ;)

Beigetreten: 04/08/2009

Sorry I can't because I'm back on Ubuntu :( The good news is that the new Ubuntu release (9.04) automatically applies the correct resolution (1440 x 900), without installing the nVidia driver (see screenshot attached). So when Trisquel uses the new Ubuntu release (9.04) in it's next version, this issue should be fixed. I'll look forward to installing Trisquel again then.

Screenshot-Display Preferences.png
tom (nicht überprüft)

Its true that Linux is really an awesome OS. In my opinion none of the OS is better than Linux. If you are intending to do web hosting than Linux Ubuntu is the best choice. Linux is quite easy and safe if you know how to handle it.

Beigetreten: 02/11/2009

El dl 10 de 08 de 2009 a les 12:13 +0000, en/na name at domain
va escriure:
> Its true that Linux is really an awesome OS. In my opinion none of the OS is better than Linux. If you are intending to do web hosting than Linux Ubuntu is the best choice. Linux is quite easy and safe if you know how to handle it.
> _______________________________________________
> Trisquel-usuarios mailing list
> name at domain

Please don't call Linux the OS, Linux is only the kernel, use instead
GNU/Linux to refer to the OS, GNU is who really promote free software
and who makes GNU/Linux a complete free operating system, calling it
only Linux you are depreciating the GNU community. Thanks ;)

Trisquel-usuarios mailing list
name at domain

tom (nicht überprüft)

I was saying it in other sense well you can't say that any other OS is better than Linux. Linux is the best solution to perform web hosting tasks isn't it?

Beigetreten: 08/05/2009

         I sorry, i`m dont speak english.........sorry............El 10 de agosto de 2009 14:21, <name at domain> escribió:

I was saying it in other sense well you can't say that any other OS is better than Linux. Linux is the best solution to perform web hosting tasks isn't it?

Trisquel-usuarios mailing list
name at domain


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I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 12/22/2004

El lun, 10-08-2009 a las 12:21 +0000, name at domain escribió:
> I was saying it in other sense well you can't say that any other OS is better than Linux. Linux is the best solution to perform web hosting tasks isn't it?

As Aitor said, "Linux" is just one of the pieces that make GNU/Linux, so
you should call it "GNU/Linux" instead. Besides that, yes, it is great
for hosting purposes.

We now have an English forum/mailing list for your convenience:

Trisquel-usuarios mailing list
name at domain

Beigetreten: 02/11/2009

El dl 10 de 08 de 2009 a les 12:21 +0000, en/na name at domain
va escriure:
> I was saying it in other sense well you can't say that any other OS is better than Linux. Linux is the best solution to perform web hosting tasks isn't it?
> _______________________________________________
> Trisquel-usuarios mailing list
> name at domain

Yes but, Linux itself is not an OS, it's only the core, to have a
complete SO like Ubuntu or Trisquel you need the GNU software, so if you
are talking about an OS you must say GNU/Linux, just to recognize the
effort of the GNU project.

Trisquel-usuarios mailing list
name at domain

Beigetreten: 08/05/2009

      No sé inglés,pero entiendo que el compañero expone que al referirnos al procesador libre Linux hay que poner GNU/Linux y noi sólo Linux porque es un desprecio hacia la comunidad defensora deste softward libre..........¿por qué lo especifica?. ¿Hay algún tipo de movimiento o engaños hacia este softward ?,

                              DorisEl 10 de agosto de 2009 14:17, Aitor Ruano Miralles <name at domain> escribió:

El dl 10 de 08 de 2009 a les 12:13 +0000, en/na name at domain

va escriure:
> Its true that Linux is really an awesome OS. In my opinion none of the OS is better than Linux. If you are intending to do web hosting than Linux Ubuntu is the best choice. Linux is quite easy and safe if you know how to handle it.

> _______________________________________________
> Trisquel-usuarios mailing list
> name at domain

Please don't call Linux the OS, Linux is only the kernel, use instead
GNU/Linux to refer to the OS, GNU is who really promote free software
and who makes GNU/Linux a complete free operating system, calling it
only Linux you are depreciating the GNU community. Thanks ;)

Trisquel-usuarios mailing list
name at domain

Beigetreten: 02/11/2009

El dl 10 de 08 de 2009 a les 14:24 +0200, en/na Doris va escriure:
> No sé inglés,pero entiendo que el compañero expone que al
> referirnos al procesador libre Linux hay que poner GNU/Linux y noi
> sólo Linux porque es un desprecio hacia la comunidad defensora deste
> softward libre..........¿por qué lo especifica?. ¿Hay algún tipo de
> movimiento o engaños hacia este softward ?,
> Doris
Exacto Doris ;)

El proyecto GNU para crear un SO libre empezó antes que Linux, Richard
Stallman y otros hackers empezaron a crear un SO libre para defender los
derechos de los usuarios, pero se les quedó por hacer lo más difícil, el
kernel o núcleo, como su desarrollo aún está en proceso utilizan el
núcleo Linux para su sistema, creado por Linus Torvalds, por eso el
sistema debe llamarse GNU/Linux, porque llamarlo solo Linux es
incorrecto, puesto que solo es una pieza de todo el SO.

Trisquel-usuarios mailing list
name at domain

Eduardo Saavedra-D'Attellis
Beigetreten: 08/06/2009

Saludos!GNU es la esencia de la libertad!Llamar al sistema operativo GNU/Linux simplemente "linux, o lainux", ¡es un error!, es negar todo lo filosófico y ético que hace al software libre ¡Libre!, ya que linux es simplemente una parte del sistema que hace que se conecten los elementos físicos del computador (hardware) con el resto del sistema opertivo (software) que es GNU., el proyecto original del núcleo o kernel "Linux", se a desviado del camino de la libertad, al incluir Firmware Privativo, en el Kernel que usan la gran mayoría de las distribuciones de software libre del mundo. Esa es la razón por la que existe Linux-free o Linux Libre. los proyectos gNewSense, Musix, UTUTO, Trisquel y Venenux entre otros reconocidos por la FSF y GNU, incluyen únicamente software libre, a diferencia de otros de proyectos que en honor a una supuesta "practicidad  y la funcionalidad" incluyen cantidades significativas de software privativo en sus distros, y por mucho software libre que haya en esas distros, no serán proyectos de software libre, dado que también fomentan el uso de software privativo.
Es importante reconocer que muchas de las personas que participan en estos proyectos que no son 100% libres, han contrinuido a que hoy exista un amayor cantidad de personas que utilizan aplicaciones libres, como es el caso de las comunidades de ubuntu, pero sacrificar libertad a cambio de funcionalidad, no me parece un cambio justo, ya que nadie tiene la libertad de ser esclavo!
Gracias!El 11 de agosto de 2009 07:54, Doris <name at domain> escribió:
      No sé inglés,pero entiendo que el compañero expone que al referirnos al procesador libre Linux hay que poner GNU/Linux y noi sólo Linux porque es un desprecio hacia la comunidad defensora deste softward libre..........¿por qué lo especifica?. ¿Hay algún tipo de movimiento o engaños hacia este softward ?,

                              DorisEl 10 de agosto de 2009 14:17, Aitor Ruano Miralles <name at domain> escribió:

El dl 10 de 08 de 2009 a les 12:13 +0000, en/na name at domain

va escriure:
> Its true that Linux is really an awesome OS. In my opinion none of the OS is better than Linux. If you are intending to do web hosting than Linux Ubuntu is the best choice. Linux is quite easy and safe if you know how to handle it.

> _______________________________________________
> Trisquel-usuarios mailing list
> name at domain

Please don't call Linux the OS, Linux is only the kernel, use instead
GNU/Linux to refer to the OS, GNU is who really promote free software
and who makes GNU/Linux a complete free operating system, calling it
only Linux you are depreciating the GNU community. Thanks ;)

Trisquel-usuarios mailing list
name at domain

Trisquel-usuarios mailing list
name at domain
-- Eduardo Saavedra-D'AttellisContactos:Teléfonos (Móviles):(58) 0412-664.99.66/0426-562.77.44Correos Electrónicos:name at domain
Sitios Web:¡Por la Libertad del Conocimiento Lucharemos Siempre!Usuario GNU/Linux #416350Usando y colaborando con Trisquel GNU/Linux 3.0
¡Software Libre 100%!

Eduardo Saavedra-D'Attellis
Beigetreten: 08/06/2009

Hi! 11 de agosto de 2009 07:43, <name at domain> escribió:
Its true that Linux is really an awesome OS. In my opinion none of the OS is better than Linux. If you are intending to do web hosting than Linux Ubuntu is the best choice. Linux is quite easy and safe if you know how to handle it.

Trisquel-usuarios mailing list
name at domain
-- Eduardo Saavedra-D'AttellisContactos:Teléfonos (Móviles):(58) 0412-664.99.66/0426-562.77.44Correos Electrónicos:name at domain
Sitios Web:¡Por la Libertad del Conocimiento Lucharemos Siempre!Usuario GNU/Linux #416350Usando y colaborando con Trisquel GNU/Linux 3.0
¡Software Libre 100%!

Beigetreten: 04/08/2009

I've noticed this thread has been moved to the English forum. It's gone a little off-topic since my last post. Even so I thought I'd add an update, in case anyone else has this issue. I resolved this problem by installing the Trisquel 3 Beta available here: This version applies the correct resolution automatically during installation.