Abrowser change request
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I'm unsure if there have been any significant advances in how Firefox deals with push notifications in the past few years, but removing push notifications from the firefox settings altogether seems to lean toward an argument of preference rather than being an ethical issue.
Might we consider waking push notifications back up for the convenience of new users?
Lines: 246-248
This might better go in the area on the website after clicking on "Issues" on the side.
Thanks! I wonder if I should do that with my rdnis post then, too?
I'm fairly new here. I'm parking this issue in the trisquel-builder section. I am assuming that's the appropriate place, right?
Nevermind. it's the helpers I wanted. :(
Abrowser comes with enhanced privacy features. Not connecting to any third party server by default is one of these.
I am sure new users also appreciate that. Those who know what they are doing can always change the value of these three parameters.
I can appreciate that. I've been using Linux professionally for about 10 years and had to dig. It wasn't until I found the repository and read the helper script comments that I knew what three options were altered and why. I only had one of them pegged through the use of all the search engines. It was a bit aggravating, honestly.
I do believe there is a general understanding that Abrowser is simply not going to connect to any third party server without the user being fully informed and consenting. Else, you would be getting software doing things that the user may not be asking for. Firefox may be following a different path.
It is healthy to have this kind of discussion here anyway, and even more so from diverging experiences. In your case, convenience was reduced for the sake of enhanced privacy. I am trying to figure out how your search could have been made less of an aggravation, which would probably solve the dilemma for the better.
My own searches return loads of requests about how to turn those parameters off, usually followed by more or less detailed answers along these lines. Inquiries about how to use notification push seem to come from webmasters mostly, and hence may not get the same kind of answer that would help a user turn them on in Abrowser. We may need to add the appropriate paragraph in Abrowser's documentation.
> My own searches return loads of requests about how to turn those parameters off, usually followed by more or less detailed answers along these lines.
Thanks for the links, that is really insightful.
One thing that I am not sure about: are these push notifications going via the Mozilla push server? Is the effect of pref("dom.push.enabled",false) that there is no connection to Mozilla push server?
> are these push notifications going via the Mozilla push server?
Mozilla only says this: "On Firefox for desktop, the push service is operated by Mozilla."
See https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/push-notifications-firefox#w_what-information-does-firefox-use-to-provide-web-push.
Users have been reporting Firefox connections to amazonaws here or there, which may or may not be related to the push service. This more recent report leaves somewhat less room for doubt. "Operated by Mozilla" may not preclude using third party servers. So you cannot be sure where you data may end up - even if you were aware of and consenting to said data ever being sent. That is why it is a sane privacy measure to keep those three parameters off ('false').
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