Add custom resolution (1440x800) to VGA with xrandr

2 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 07/17/2013


I only have some resolutions available on my VGA output (Librebooted T400, Trisquel 10). The only one that actually fits my TV properly is 720x400, which is ok but I would like to try something higher. All resolutions I have available are 4:3 aspect ratio with this one being the only 16:10 (my TV size).
I searched online and found this:

But I tried adjusting the commands for adding 1440x800_60 but those other numbers in front of the command give and error (and I don't know how to calculate the proper ones). I saw someone adding 1440x900 but again the numbers don't seem to work.

Any help is greatly welcomed :)


I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 08/18/2020

Not sure whether this really helps but you could look at

Beigetreten: 07/17/2013

That actually alerted me to the fact that I had misread the original instructions (in the link I provided). Running cvt xxxx yyy actually gives all the details I need to properly run the following commands.
Incidentally, and in case this is helpful for someone else, I discovered that even though my laptop and TV could run 720x400 resolution, 1440x800 which is the double doesn't work. I did some trial and error and discovered that 1280x720 actually works fine (no other closer resolution worked). So, yeah, you can actually have to poke around a bit but eventually you discover additional resolutions that are not showing but are indeed supported by your graphics card and the display.