Another annoying problem with flash

15 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 08/07/2013

until now, I used my gnu/linux free distro without java and flash.
Now I have to collaborate with an heavy-metal music webzine, wich gives me promo and album from labels, and obviously, links from labels are full of java and flash.
I have also problems with Reverbnation, another way to share music, no problems with bandcamp instead.
The fact is I have to listen songs BEFORE download (downloading from a good amount of sites, works), but on-line streaming, pratically none.
I installed gnash, sparklight, shumway,openJdk, icedTea, and allow noscript to load the entire page.

Thanks to all.

Beigetreten: 05/30/2012

I don't fully understand what's going on with this website; you can download the songs, but you aren't able to preview them? It wouldn't be that hard for them to support playing the previews with HTML5.

One thing you should always check in a situation like this: disable Gnash (and Lightspark). Some sites only show HTML5 elements as fallbacks when Flash is unavailable. You can also try using the user agent switcher to identify as an iPad.

For Java, you might want to try using OpenJDK 7 rather than OpenJDK 6.


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Beigetreten: 07/07/2013

Is there an easy way to toggle gnash? I get tired of going into addons and disabling there. It would be nice to have a little button somewhere on the browser! I wonder if it exists.

Beigetreten: 05/18/2013
Beigetreten: 05/30/2012

There's an extension called Flash OnOff that gives you a button.[0] The Mozilla addons database doesn't tell you what license it's under, but I investigated and it's under the MPL 2.0.


Beigetreten: 05/18/2013

Could you add it to the Abrowser addon repo?

Beigetreten: 05/30/2012



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Beigetreten: 07/07/2013

Thanks. I chose Flash OnOff and it seems to be exactly what I needed :)

Beigetreten: 08/07/2013

thanks for your help.
gnash is set as "start in pause", I'll try to disable it.
I've yet installed OpenJDK 7. and with user agent switcher, no changes. I also checked gstreamer, but all needed to play mp3 is installed.
I also tried to see if something goes bad with alsa and audio, but I got no problems playing sound and video

Beigetreten: 03/11/2012

Not sure if this would help or not, but can't you use "UnPlug" addon for FireFox and then just copy the url for the media file and run it through VLC? This has worked for me in some cases, e.g. where plugins are required to download an MP3 and all that is needed is finding the hotlink and streaming it via VLC Media Player.


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Beigetreten: 09/19/2011

+1 on copying the link, using unplug, and playing the media with vlc. Totem and mplayer just don't stream as well as vlc, in my setup.

Beigetreten: 08/07/2013

links from labels are signed and limited to a maximum number of download; using UnPlug get me signed as a download, so I can't use it. and so, no VLC streaming.

Also, disabling ALL flash can I have on my pc, I get reverbnation and soundcloud works perfectly. The last and most important remains the label publisher. without gnash, I can see a player, I can select what song play, also change the icon play/pause, but player won't start count time, and obviously no sound.
thanks to all for your help

Beigetreten: 08/07/2013

at the end, the only solution to use the player from music distributor is to install the non-free adobe flash player.
I have another partition with debian, I tried all solutions described in this thread before change repository to non-free :( I tried to stay as much as possible with bandcamp and youtube videos, but too many time we got previews from labels that are not present on those channels.
Hope gnash or lightspark (or better, the adoption of HTML5) will improve as soon as possible, to run my system full-libre again (yes, obviously adobe flash is the only non-free software running on my desktop).
thanks to all for your help
Beigetreten: 10/28/2010

Hash: SHA1

El 03/11/13 07:38, name at domain escribió:
> Hi,
> at the end, the only solution to use the player from music distributor
is to install the non-free adobe flash player.
> I have another partition with debian, I tried all solutions described
in this thread before change repository to non-free :( I tried to stay
as much as possible with bandcamp and youtube videos, but too many time
we got previews from labels that are not present on those channels.
> Hope gnash or lightspark (or better, the adoption of HTML5) will
improve as soon as possible, to run my system full-libre again (yes,
obviously adobe flash is the only non-free software running on my desktop).

I suggest that instead of installing Debian on a separate partition, you
install it on a virtual machine. That way you stay more time on Trisquel
and you get used to using it to the point you can develop solutions to
such problems. Debian is more prone to freedom bugs than Trisquel
especially with the non-free repos active and Adobe Flash installed.

If it is difficult to operate on a free world and you stay inside it,
you will learn how to solve your difficulties eventually. If you give
up, those the problems will not solve themselves. Please do not give up,
you are important member of our community and we need your participation.

- --
Saludos libres,

Quiliro Ordóñez
Presidente (en co-gobierno con los socios)
Asociación de Software Libre del Ecuador - ASLE
Teléfono: 6008579

Recuerda que todas tus comunicaciones están siendo vigiladas. Lo que
puedes hacer para restar su eficacia es eliminar el software privativo
de tus computadores, evitar el software como servicio, almacenar tus
datos en tus propios equipos y encriptar todas tus comunicaciones.

Toda la información contenida en este mensaje es libre de uso y
distribución con o sin modificaciones y todo correo que reciba implica
que el remitente acepta que tendrá las mismas libertades sin importar
cualquier clausula de confidencialidad o restricción anterior o posterior.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Beigetreten: 08/07/2013

And here we go! My fault, didn't checked on project' site if it were a newer version :-P

I donwloaded and compiled lightspark 0.7.2 (trisquel repository has 0.5.5) and magically these f... bad player started to play! It works a little bit slowly than adobe, but don't care. I can uninstall adobe-trash from debian to make it full-libre again, and stay to trisquel with no problems. I will check for an ubuntu-ppa for lightspark, to update it easily.

And so once again, my vrms will tell me that "rms would be proud" :-P


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Beigetreten: 09/19/2011

Try adding ppa:sparkers