Aramo ISO Beta 3
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Hello guys,
As the development start to polish more and more details here and there, after several fixes we have now the 3th (and very likely last) beta ISO image for Aramo.
The main changes from Beta 2 ISO,
- console l10n/kb layout issue has been fixed.
- wpa_supplicant is now on every trisquel-meta desktop package (wifi is back on liveISOs)
- gnome-online-accounts, no longer promotes by default questionable third party services.
- new fully supported and accesible display manager greeter, artica-greeter
- trisquel-sugar fixes applied, still pending work.
Known issues,
- As any other beta, artwork is pending.
- One Trisquel Sugar activity still pending.<(li>
- Multi arch installer support for arm/ppc64el still pending.
Find the latest BETA images at:
All the feedback is welcome, current and new issues will be followed/tracked at the Trisquel's GitLab instance, please ask for your account at the devel mailing list or the #trisquel-dev channel.
Thank you all for all your previous feedback to all early testers and the community in general.
May the 3th be with us!
I just noticed today a small glitch with the screen locker on Aramo: when the option to lock the screen is activated in the screensaver settings, the integrated keyboard on my laptop becomes unresponsive after a few key strokes if I start typing my password immediately after the login screen appears. I then need to use the external (USB) keyboard in order to be able to log back into my session. If I wait a couple of seconds before typing, the integrated keyboard works as expected.
I updated everything a couple of hours ago.
Are you able to reproduce the behavior?
If so please share the steps to trigger it.
We are talking about Mate, right?
Yes, I am using the default MATE DE on Trisquel 11.
I open a session, go to Control Center > Screensaver and check "Lock screen when screensaver is active" in the "Screensaver Settings" window. Then I suspend, or the system automatically goes into suspend mode after some time of inactivity. Then I press a key or move the mouse to un-suspend and I get a prompt to enter my user password to unlock the screen.
If I start typing my password from the built-in keyboard immediately after the prompt has appeared, only the first two or three keystrokes seem to be effective before the keyboard becomes unresponsive until next suspend. I can still use the external USB keyboard to enter my password and unlock the screen.
If I wait a couple of seconds before starting typing my password on the built-in keyboard, I am able to enter my password and unlock the screen, and the keyboard does not go unresponsive.
EDIT: Did not notice at first, but the system comes back from suspend mode only if either the power button on the laptop or any key on the external keyboard is pressed. The built-in keyboard keys are unresponsive while in suspend mode.
I have tried to reproduce this with and without the USB keyboard plugged in, to the same outcome: if I start typing my password too early, only the first two or three keystrokes get read, after which either there is no way to add a character, or the last "character" (in fact the small place holder that hides the actual character, which I am assuming to be the last keystroke input) is repeated until the password textbox is filled.
Of course, without a USB keyboard plugged in, I get stuck at the screen unlocking step and have to force shutdown or keep looking at a locked screen.
It's weird I can't reproduce the error.
I have checked the screensaver lock option.
Tried both suspend machine, but the build-in keyboard works properly.
I've also tried lock screen, and return it back, still working.
I'll try with a test machine I have laying around.
After dozens of trials, it seems to be happening only if a key is pressed during a very short interval after the prompt appears. If a key is pressed before that interval, but none during that interval, the keyboard seems to be unresponsive for a short while before coming back to life and working as expected. In other words, it may look like the problem happens randomly.
Some further observations:
1. if I press a key even before the prompt appears (system back from suspend but screen still black) and keep it pressed, the problem appears at every trial, seemingly confirming there is a key trap somewhere.
2. if the external keyboard is already plugged at the moment the problem appears, which allows me to unlock the screen, I can use the built-in keyboard again after the next suspend, provided I do not fall into the keyboard unresponsiveness trap.
In other news, "System" > "Look and Feel" > "Appearance" does not seem to retain personalized themes fully. On restart, I am getting a customized theme using "Yaru" for window borders instead of any other personalized theme I may have selected before shutting down.
That whole Yaru thing seems suspicious, the "Appearance" settings in Aramo is populated by 20+ variations of the Yaru theme. I suspect it is highly likely responsible for that glitch. I tried it once, and it now forces itself back into the window borders.
Oh my, I'm shocked: "Yaru is the default theme for Ubuntu, backed by the community."
Could there maybe possibly be a way to get rid of that horrible Cthulhu tentacle at once? Or just help me get rid of it before it eats my whole mana: I currently need to reset my theme each time I start my laptop. Will I have to install Aramo again because of the Yaru invasion? Or are there some config files I could just dump and replace to keep Yaru at bay?
NB: I also need to set the color scheme for Pluma in "Edit" > "Preferences" > "Font and Colors" after each startup. It keeps being reset to Yaru.
I now believe that Yaru has in fact taken over the window manager theme, but have no idea how to fix that and set it to a different value.
I uninstalled everything with "yaru" in its name in Synaptic, and both the window borders (in "Appearance Preferences" > "Theme" > "Customize...") and the color scheme in Pluma are still reset each time the system starts. Only, they are now getting reset to some other default value.
When I visit "Appearance Preferences", I am now getting a warning that "this theme will not look as intended because the required window manager theme 'Yaru' is not installed", until I select a different value for the window borders.
Good news: I managed to solve the Yaru invasion problem. I believe I invited Yaru in the first place when I selected it in the "Appearance" window, after which it became the fallback theme.
It transpired that a metacity-theme-1.xml file is now expected in the metacity-1 folder for a theme to be accepted as a window manager theme on MATE (in order to work with the Marco window manager). Some themes only get a metacity-theme-2.xml file. So I copied that metacity-theme-2.xml file in the same theme folder and renamed it metacity-theme-1.xml. The proper window manager theme is now retained after restart. Phew!
In case anyone else gets this problem, the xml files for a SoBeautiful theme that need to be modified are in the /usr/share/themes/SoBeautiful/metacity-1 directory.
NB: a closed issue from 2014 seems to refer to a very similar bug. Whatever happened to the commit that closed it, the bug is back. The problem was not present in Trisquel 9.
Yeah, Yaru is now the default on upstream.
I mostly only use Trisquel Dark ;)
Yes, Trisquel Dark is the best replacement that worked. I am using something similar, but which does not draw lines in Sylpheed and Audacious. I find these contrasted stripes problematic for my eyes.
Successful installation on NovaComputing NV41 laptop here -- -- using trisquel_11.0_amd64.iso beta3 both via Try before install (no LVM) and direct Install from boot menu (with LVM). Wired network connection with builtin RJ45 using r8169 driver. Wireless (technoetic TET-N150) works fine both on installed system and on the live trisquel, but did not work from netinst (complains about missing firmware?). With netinst, when I select LVM it hang running 'lvcreate' for some reason. Anyone tried LVM installs via netinst? I want a GNOME desktop environment, so the netinst approach would save some unnecessary packages from being installed for me. Will try netinst more to see if I can debug the problem further.
Update: netinst without LVM was successful, but the Swedish keyboard layout I chose was not configured properly on consoles after first boot.
Update^2: netinst with LVM fails due to locking. Even booting netinst on a system with LVM partitions fails during partition detection when LVM hangs.
what console-setup version is running your system?
The system is now running '1.205ubuntu3-11.0trisquel5'. Indeed, it could be a mirror issue, I'm using as the apt mirror.
Btw I blogged about my experince with Trisquel 11 on this laptop:
Hmmm, this version was supposed to fix the issue, could you try,
sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
About LVM that might have introduced on later changes, as we used, LVM, LVM + Encryption successfully on earlier versions.
Thanks, that solves it after the install. LVM issues only happened with netinst beta3, it worked fine with the live DVD.
Yeah before the Beta2, 3 or 4 (09-Dec-22) we were working to release the netinstall, successfully installing LVM and LVM with encryption.
So, maybe it got introduced later on.
This has been fixed on the latest netinstall images for aramo.
Jas/Simon, I was afk on IRC when you showed up, you can also request the gitlab account at the trisquel-devel mailing list.
Or maybe next time we can meet at the Wednesday development meetings hosted at #trisquel-dev.
Thanks for bringing those details.
This minor, possibly annoying VLC glitch is also present on Aramo, shipping with VLC 3.0.16 :
In short, the controls do not show up in a predictable way while in full screen mode. They seem to be accessible to the mouse, but not visible to the human eye (except while hovering over the timeline, which correctly displays the timeline tooltips, albeit on a black background). This is most probably a VLC bug, but I am posting it here for reference.
I can see the controls both on my installation and on a liveISO sessión.
Any comments are welcome.
On my system, the bug happens randomly.

Could you check what Marco composer are you using?
You can check and change it on the last option on Mate Tweak.
You pinned it down. I was using Xpresent. I tried without a composer and the controls work fine. I also tried with the picom composers, the controls work but the image flickers a bit when the controls fade out.
Thank you very much, VLC is really more usable that way.
Just checking in to say that I have taken beta the 3th for a spin and it is a very sweet ride so far. I avoided the Cthulhu tentacles of the Yaru theme thanks to Prospero's reports from the 3th circle of Yaru hell. Great job devs, I gladly accept this wonderful Christmas present from all of you.
Does 'ifup' and 'ifdown' work for others? It does work fine for me, but it does print an error message as well:
/etc/network/if-up.d/resolved: 12: mystatedir: not found
This is via a minimal netinst installation (beta3) but with many other packages installed afterwards.
Seems to be a known bug affecting from upstream,
Will check it this week.
I reported a bug in Mate-Panel, but it might appear that it is centric to Trisquel 11.
If it's of any use, my installation environment can be found here:
I've since installed Trisquel 10 on my system, and haven't had any issues. My apologies for the brevity, but I'm fairly new to the Trisquel distro. The system I'm currently testing on is an X200.
I found no occurrence of 'upgrade' in your script. Are you manually updating packages after install?
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