Ayatana date time indicator strikes again

2 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]

I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 08/18/2020

I had the problem in https://trisquel.info/fr/forum/ayatana-indicator-datetime-service-takes-all-memory-and-cpu again last week, and right now on a computer that I had last switched on on July 16th, which I noticed while the computer was downloading updates but did not start installing any.

I am not 100% sure whether I did some software upgrade on July 16th and did not restart after that. So either the issue is cause by some update on July 16th or by something that is not an update.

Anyway, I uninstalled the ayatana date time indicator package, which also removed the trisquel metapackage and may get me in some issue if that metapackage is modified later.


I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 08/18/2020

The problem also occurs on my friend's PC, he was stuck as he has no clue about this kind of thing.

He uses evolution like me, I don't know whether that plays a role. Looks like evolution is not popular among Trisquel users, although I personally find it better than icedove (evolution allows directly using the keyring gpg keys, unlike icedove, and I find it more stable).


I am a member!

I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 07/15/2009

I myself have would like to get the next release "soon", as Jammy's mate has several performance/stability bugs laying around, Aramo's mate has several patches trying to address those, and still there are some hidden bugs that from time to time jump and eat your CPU and memory.

Killing the rouge mate's process reloads the applets and helps to keep it at bay, still is somewhat annoying.

So for this and many others reasons, Ecne (T12) has the higher priority on the development process.